Three Suns and Men made of Ice

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The Doctor's statement made me realize that I really was this creature. A natiolux, the last of my kind. In a blink of an eye I realized that I wouldn't tell the Doctor. Not yet.

The Doctor took his hand off of my forehead and reached for the sonic, resting inside his jacket pocket. He pulled it out and changed the settings. I put my hand out and grabbed the end of the screwdriver.

"Don't you scan me!" I said, in Spanish, yet the TARDIS translated. "I feel fine" My tone was defensive. Who knows what the Doctor would find out if I let him. The Doctor put away the sonic and pulled me in for a hug. He didn't really know what was going on yet he seemed to understand what I needed. Just this morning I had found out that not only was I an alien but had no family. Is this what the Doctor felt like all the time? Maybe that's why he needed companions with him. He couldn't be alone.

I broke away from the hug in a matter of seconds.

"Ready for breakfast?" I asked. To be honest, I wasn't really hungry but I had to do something. Without an answer from the Doctor, I grabbed his hand and walked with him towards the kitchen.

Recently, the Doctor and I had been closer then every before. Our fingers were often intertwined, as if each one had a never-ending story to tell the other. Often times the Doctor would call me love or sweet or dear heart but it was in such a way that I would not realize it until I was in bed, thinking about my day. I stayed up late, helping and chatting with him and woke up early from my own dreams and nightmares, or could they be memories.

I pulled out a few eggs and cracked them over a frying pan. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a large tub of custard.

"You can't have this in here forever" I stated to the Doctor

"Don't touch my custard!" He said jokingly but in an honest tone. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

It surprised me yet I acted as if it was nothing. I liked it. He stayed that way as I poured the leftover custard down the sink. I looked up. His chin was a few inches higher than the top of my head. The Doctor's eyes were kind and loving. He slowly came down to my height. My body had taken over but I knew what was coming next. I was on the same side of this situation before. I quickly moved out of his arms and ran to the eggs on the stove.

"They are going to burn" The Doctor looked hurt. It pained me to see him that way. To be honest I wanted to jump onto him and kiss him. However, I felt as if he got into something with me, I would be a distraction.

"We don't want that" he said with a forced smile. I chuckled and flipped the eggs on different plates. I set the plates down and poured juice into a cup. The Doctor and I sat down and began to shovel pieces of egg into our mouths.

"So where do you want to go to today?" He asked me with a mouth full of food. I chuckled and he swallowed.

"Well..." I wasn't sure to include the next part "Today was the day you found me, so I consider it my birthday. I turn 21 today" The Doctor looked at me confused but then smiled. I realized that him finding me was in his future. He might have a way to go.

"Well then we might just have to go somewhere special." He said wiping the last bit of juice off of his chin.

"How bout the beach?" I asked, excitedly. I usually made a generalization on where to go. The Doctor surprised me on the rest.

"I have just the place" He stood up, excited and picked up our plates. He dumped them in the sink and ran over to help me out of my chair. He was such a gentleman!

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