Ramsis and Loiyard

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This took a while but now that I have finished I present the next chapter to you guys! I have to thank petrichor_tardis from Instagram for giving me the mystery.

Background Info: This is based on the Tamen Shud mystery.

Hope you enjoy!

The world around me continued to burn as more and more of my people try to regenerate and die halfway through. The pile of bodies that I fell on top of are still and always will be dead. Yet the ball of fire still hasn't claimed my life. I open my eyes and see a box in front of me.  

"Doctor?" I whisper both in and out of my dream 

Yet the person who walks out of the box is not the Doctor.  

"Daddy!" I scream. My father rushes towards me and in a matter of seconds scoops me up.  

"Don't worry, Ora. You're safe now" he cradles me as I cry into his shoulder.  

"Where's mommy?" I ask. I may be young but I already understand what had happened. His bottom lip quivers. I feel his chest rise and fall. We quickly step back into the box as the force field around us begins to die like everything else. I cling to my father like a typical five year old, my nose buried into his shoulder. He flips a few switches. My father prys me off of him and sits me down on the large middle piece of the box.  

" Ora, you're a big girl, right?" I nod my head. His voice is full of sadness and he seemed to be on the verge of tears. "You saw what was happening at home. You have to know that your Mommy is dead. She died with Uncle and Auntie and Lucille and Yetlo." He took a breath. Tears began to stream down both of our faces. I was a smart little girl yet knowing that all my friends and family were dead was unbearable. My father wiped the tears from my face but they just kept coming.  

"Ora, my sweetie. You are the last of your kind. But you will be the strongest girl ever because of that. Never let anyone act like they are better than you because of your weakness. Make them understand that your weakness makes you stronger" he grabbed my hand, "Go on make it glow" he commanded me. I could do the same thing that everybody, except my father could do. My whole body erupted into flames but soon diminished. My father wiped tears from his eyes.  

"Who am I, Ora?" He asked 

"My Daddy" I exclaimed.  

"Remember that, Ora. Remember that." My Father picked me up and swung me around. A high laugh escaped me, stopping my tears.

I woke up screaming. My eyes shot open but I soon felt a hand rest on my hand.  

"Shhhhh Jazmine. I can tell that still hurts. I'm just dressing it"  

I looked at the Doctor and felt the pain in my ankle. It all came back to me. The museum, the villain, the gunshots. All of it. I nodded at the Doctor, gripping my teeth from the pain.  

"How long have I been out?" I asked once the Doctor had finished.  

"About a day" he explained, putting away the things he used.  

I nodded "And the men?" I ask my tone expressing less emotion.  

"The one that was shot is resting in your room," Thats when I realized that I wasn't in my room. I was in the one near the TARDIS's main room. The one me and the Doctor became so close so long ago. I hadn't been in here since then.  

Who? (A Doctor Who Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant