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I give you chapter twelve! This story is almost over. Unless you can convince me to write a sequel;)

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


The TARDIS watched the whole thing. She knew that the pair needed to be stopped but she couldn't do anything herself. In the end, my dreams became her camera system. I woke up once the wounded man left the TARDIS.  

"Doctor, Doctor," I shook the Doctor back and forth until he groggily opened his eyes.  

"What?" He sleepily asked.  

"Something's wrong in the console room. Get up!" The worry in my voice was clearly showing. I swung my good leg over the bed and limped over to the Doctor's side. I shook him more and lost my balance. I fell to the floor with a yelp. The Doctor sprung out of bed and leaped to my assistance. I waved him away.  

"Go to console. Hurry!" I said sternly to him. He looked from me to the door. He took my hands and, with amazing strength, pulled me up. After setting me on the bed, he sprinted out of the room. I waited for the pain in my ankle to dull down. I slid off the bed and limped slowly towards the door and out towards the console.  

"What's going on here?!" I heard the Doctor say. I poked my head out of the corner. I recognized the man from my "dream". I had only seen him with his face twisted in pain and sleeping. Yet I saw what had happened. I walked up to the Doctor and used him as a balance.  

"He did it"  

"What did he do?" The Doctor asked. He kept his eyes on the man.  

"He poisoned Ramsis." I stated simply. The Doctor glanced at me for a second then back at the man. With a swift turn, the Doctor went to the console and turned the knobs to situate the TARDIS back into deep space. When he turned around his face was twisted in anger.  

"Why did you kill him? What was the purpose of that?" He added sternly. I put my hand on the Doctor's shoulder, gently. He quieted down.  

"What is your name?" I asked gently but not necessarily kindly.  

"Loiyard" he responded. Loiyard kept his head down.  

"Look at me," I exclaimed, "I want you to answer the Doctor's question. Why did you kill, Ramsis" I asked. The Doctor gave Loiyard a death stare as he raised his head to match my eyes. His eye held a mixture of hatred and hurt as he spoke.  

"That man was my brother. He was. I did what was necessary. He killed our mother and my wife. Then he tried to kill me! How could I let that slip?" His voice made the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up. I glanced at the Doctor. He seemed to be fighting with himself.  

"Tell me how I could just sit back and watch while my own brother killed everyone I loved." Loiyard continued.  

"Shut up. Just SHUT UP!" The Doctor had snapped. "Killing is not the least bit accepted on my ship! I don't care where we go but you are leaving. You're lucky I won't throw you out into deep space!" I flinched when the Doctor spoke. He hated the act only because of what he had done in his younger years.  

"Send him back home." I whispered. The Doctor looked at me stunned. "Send him back home" I clenched my teeth. I wanted this man away from me as much as fast as possible. The Doctor just continued to look at me with the stunned look. In anger, I pushed him aside and began to steer the TARDIS back in the direction of Crytane. The Doctor took the controls right out of my hands and continued the route while I pulled out a pair of handcuffs from the storage spot in the console. I cuffed one part to the console and the other to Loiyard's wrist. The whole time Loiyard stayed quiet.  

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