The Girl who Couldn't have Existed

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A sweet scent filled my nose. I slowly opened my eyes and there was the Doctor. His dark eyes were filled with worry and question.  

"What are you doing sleeping there?" he asked. He seemed to be unaware of what had happened last night. What he had been doing that worried me so much. 

"Something was going on with you" I answered drowsily, "I didn't want you sneaking out so I stayed up to make sure" I rubbed my eyes as I woke up and yawned. The Doctor smiled and turned around showing me a tray of food. He put the tray on my lap.  

"You missed breakfast" he stated cheerfully. I smiled back showing much appreciation. I took the fork and shoved a large piece of a waffle in my mouth. It was wonderful! I smiled with delight and swallowed the slice. The aftertaste tickled my throat. I began to cough but it didn't help. The Doctor looked at me with concern. My body seemed paralyzed so I couldn't show him with my hands what was wrong. He got up and walked towards me. He smacked my back painfully multiple times but I only seemed to make the coughing worse. I wasn't choking on anything. My throat was closing up to the degree of a really bad allergic reaction. Soon enough, I wasn't able to get enough oxygen. The last thing I saw was the Doctor picking me up and rushing me down the hallway towards the TARDIS.


The Doctor ran down the hall as quick as he could. He needed to get to the TARDIS before Jazmine suffocated. He cradled her tight against his chest. Even in unconsciousness, Jazmine's hand held tightly on to his arm but her grip was loosening. The Doctor turned right trying to find his way around when he heard a voice singing beautifully. He followed the voice subconsciously and almost bumped into Carrie. Carrie looked down. Her eyes widened at the sight of the unconscious Jazmine in his arms. The Doctor still heard singing all around him and put him in a trance. There was no escaping insanity now. 

"Here let me take her" Carrie said with fake worry. The Doctor handed Jazmine to the women without question. 

"I'll make sure she will be absolutely fine" She assured. Carrie walked away with a sly smile on her face. She entered the master's chamber and laid Jazmine down on the sofa. She poured a thick liquid down Jazmine's throat and walked away to do other things.


I slowly opened my eyes. The room I was in was extremely dark but not quite pitch black. After a few seconds my eyes adjusted and I say up. I rubbed my eyes as if I had woke up from a deep sleep.  

"Have a nice nap?" The women approached me with a tray of dinner. The sight of her told me that I wasn't in the safest place. I nodded and cautiously accepted the plate. The woman scuttled away leaving me in the room. I poked at my food. It reminded me of why I had been asleep. I picked a harmless green bean and prepared to eat it. As the fork reached my mouth, slowly, a voice sounded from the darkness.  

"The girl who couldn't have existed" The deep voice said. I raised my head: 


"The girl who was meant to be destroyed. The one who is stronger then anyone could ever imagine." it recited. "No one ever thought you could exist"  

I looked towards the voice confused.  

"I need you to do something for me" To be honest the voice terrified me. I found it difficult to find my own voice. I opened my mouth, prepared to give an answer when I heard banging.  

"Jazmine!" A familiar voice called. The Doctor was panicking I heard the sonic screwdriver's pulse. The same one that freed me just a few days earlier. I crept backwards and felt my way to the door. I could feel the creatures eyes on me. I stood tall, keeping an eye on the spot where I once stood. Using my fist, I hit the door once. It produced a deafening sound. Almost immediately, a knock from the opposite side answered mine. I spread my feet shoulder length apart and stood threateningly, the same way I did when I was ready to fight.  

"Let him in" I ordered the creature 

I heard the door unlock behind me and without turning my back I opened the door.  

"Come in, Doctor" I commanded. I held my hand out for him to grasp. The room brightened oddly. The Doctor looked at me in shock. I felt a sensation deep inside me but I didn't think anything about it. Right now was not the time to worry. Soon enough Carrie walked in. I tightened my grip on the Doctor.  

"Keep your head straight" I wispered but I was already too late. I turned my attention to the creature.  

"What do you want from me?" It didn't take long for the creature to answer.  

"I want you to kill me" it said. There was a feeling of truly wanting, of needing, for what it was asking for. The women gasped from behind me and the doctor stumbled around to find his footing.  

"You can't do that! What would happen to me?" the women exclaimed, "My life had no purpose in the sea. You helped me and I helped you. I get people to work for you. You live like a King! You are a king!"  

"But I am old. My kind were killed in the time-war. I am alone." The Doctor perked up when the time war was brought up. He stood straight but had his head down.  

"I'm sorry" he whispered. I looked at him confused but the creature began to speak again.  

"As you see I am nothing. Just a lonely Haphe" I looked at the Doctor and back at the creature. I looked at the women "He" I pointed to the Doctor, speaking firmly, "Stays level headed" she nodded. I let go of the Doctor's hand and walked up to the creature. There wasn't much light but I could still focus on it. The Haphe was huge! Almost as tall as the already high ceiling. Five tentacles spread in all directions. He had a human face. "Nobody is nothing. There is always some reason that someone is here for. You could be the most important being ever and you couldn't know it" I turned back to the Doctor. His face showed disparity as if remembering something but smiled back at me with encouragement.  

"The world needs you more than you can ever believe" I stuck my hand out a touched the creature. It was scaly but nice. The Haphe looked up at me with gracious eyes. I motioned for the woman to come to me. I replaced my hand with hers.  

"This is what you mean to her. Two different worlds, the same lives. That's all you need" I said softly.  

"Carrie" the creature whispered, "Thank you" The creature thanked both of us. I backed up slowly and began to walk out of the room. The creature spotted me: 

"The Girl who couldn't have existed" he called but yet the creature did not finish the sentence. I felt the confused look from the Doctor but I continued to walk. The Doctor followed close behind me. We walked out and to the TARDIS. I opened the doors and walked casually in.  

"That was brilliant!" the Doctor exclaimed once the doors were closed. He swooped down and hugged me, picking me up as he stood to full height. He put me down. 

"The Girl who couldn't have existed?" he asked 

"Time War?" The name seemed important but I didn't know why. That seemed to be happening a lot. The Doctor took a deep breath. He explained what had happened, what he had done to save the universe. How he destroyed his own people, the Daleks, the world of the Haphe and even the Natiolux people. My admiration for him grew. He did something I could never do.

The next Chapter is almost done! If you follow my instagram (@waitingtobetakenaway), the abridged version will be posted. The full version will be posted here but not as often. As always I am open to comments, suggestions and questions. Just leave me a message of kik me at CottonClouds67.

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