Hotel California

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So as promised her is chapter 4!

The Doctor dropped me off in front of my apartment building. I told him to wait as I gathered my stuff from my house and turned in the key. I didn't just want to leave randomly and without a trace. I gathered my few belongings and stuffed them in a duffle bag. I walked out and towards the landlords apartment. I knocked on the door, glancing every once in a while to see if the TARDIS was still there. There wasn't one chance that the Doctor was going to leave without me! Robert opened the door.  

"It's 11:30 at night, where is my money?" he asked.  

"I don't have it" I said strongly "I'm going somewhere else. Just keep everything that I left and use that as my payment. " I explained. He looked at me surprised. I adjusted my bag for emphasis and turned around in the direction of the TARDIS.  

"That's not going to work" he said but I kept on walking. I would rather die then stay in this place any longer.  

I walked into the TARDIS and the Doctor looked up at me surprised. He was messing around with something on the dash. I had startled him.  

"I still don't know how you can get in when the door is locked." he said, taking my bag and setting it down.  

"I don't know. Maybe the TARDIS just likes me" I joked 

"Maybe" he stated quietly.  

Not hearing him, I asked "Where to?"  

"I was going to ask you that but instead how about we put the engines on random" He pushed a few buttons and motioned me to come to the console. He gently grabbed my hand and had me hold a lever, telling me to keep it steady. His touch reminded me of the kiss from earlier in the morning. The thought made me flinch from under him and he took his hand off of mine but still made sure that it stayed leveled.  

The whistle of the engines stopped about a half a minute later. The Doctor rushed passed me, more excited to find out what was beyond those doors then I was. I chuckled at the thought. He peered back in and asked:  

"You coming?" My smile widened and I did a little jump before I sprinted outside. It was beautiful. The sun was setting, causing the sky to be a beautiful shade of orange. In front of us stood a huge castle-like structure. It looked like it was built in the early 1900s. My whole body tilted back to be able to see the top of the building. I felt the Doctor behind me as my shoulders rested on his chest. It was a weird sensation, like I had finally met my childhood obsession. He rested his hands on my shoulders. 

"California" He mumbled looking at our surroundings. Luckily the TARDIS had landed itself in the middle of a bunch of trees and was hidden quite well. It didn't seem like anyone had been here for ages though! 

The Doctor grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the large building. I knew it was old when we passed an old gas station. The kind where people would fill up your tank for you. I giggled at the "$.10 per gallon" sign. The two of us continued walking through the front door. The Doctor held my hand in his, which I found strangely comforting. Seemingly out of nowhere a women approached us. She had brown locks than flowed beautifully down to her lower back. Her eyes sparkled even though they were a dark brown. She looked almost as if she was from Spain. "Welcome to Hotel California!" she greeted cheerfully. Her voice held no trace of any European accent. American.  

"Two rooms please" I said, a slightly sour tone peeking through my voice. I had no reason not to trust this women but I felt like something was terribly wrong. I looked at the Doctor and he nodded. He seemed to be entranced by the Women's beauty. "Typical Men" I mumbled under my breath. This women posed no threat to me, as I could see, but the whole situation seem dangerous. Too ideal. I didn't express my thoughts to the Doctor yet he seemed to feel my uneasiness. He tightened his grip on my hand, for just a second, and we continued to follow the strange women as she lifted a candle and led us through the maze of hallways. Every person we passed said the exact same thing: "Welcome to Hotel California". The Hotel was rather elegant. Red carpets stretched in all direction with a gold trim and diamond-like pattern trailing in the center. Dark doors that led to rooms were found every few steps. Finally, the women showed us our rooms and handed us the key.  

"Breakfast is at 8:30. Don't be late" she said with a smile. She walked back down the corridor taking the candle, the only light source with her. Without a moments hesitation, I opened the door to my room, which was conveniently located right across from the Doctor's. It was beautifully lit with a large, wooden four poster bed in the center. A small dresser with a mirror sat in the farthest corner of the room. A large window overlooked the mountainous forest that surrounded the Hotel. By now the sun had set and the stars were beginning to shine their light on the trees. It was absolutely beautiful. I peered out of the door of my room and saw that the Doctor had left his open. He was on the balcony, gazing at the scene below. I walked over to him and looked in the same direction. There was the woman, dancing in the courtyard, surrounded by men. I heard the music playing from all the way up here. The Doctor looked up and jumped like he had just realized I was there.  

"You okay?" I asked. Something was going on.  

" I don't know" the Doctor replied, looking back down at the woman. I knew he was just watching her. That's when I noticed what he was doing. He was standing on the tips of his toes, pulling himself farther and farther past the bars that bordered the balcony. He was contemplating on whether or not to jump and join the woman. I grabbed his hand and ferociously pulled him away from the balcony. He tried to pull away from me but my grip was strong and I sat him on the bed.  

"Why did you do that?" he asked, trying to stand back up. I kept on hand on his shoulder to keep him on the bed.  

"You are being weird" I told him sternly. It was like I was taking care of a four year old. The Doctor chuckled as if he had heard it to many times before.  

"I am not joking. You were about to jump or run or do something. That woman is getting to you. Why do you have to be such a guy?!?" my voice started to raise and my accent thickened. The Doctor looked at me in a way that a child would. One that didn't know what was going on and yet he was being yelled at. I took a deep breath and realized that whatever had come over the Doctor was not going to go away easy. If he was going to act like a child, I would treat him like a child.  

"Its time to go to bed" I exclaimed and made him lay down on the bed. I pushed him back until his head wound up on top of the pillow. He seemed tired so I just waited until he fell asleep. It didn't take long and soon he was sprawled in all directions. I sat down in a chair across from the bed and watched him. The last thing I needed was for him to sneak away in the middle of the night. Around 2:30 in the morning my body began to give up and soon I was asleep.

(I'm going to change perspective here for a little while. But it shouldn't be long)

The "woman" liked to go by the name Carrie. Shortly after Jazmine had fallen asleep, Carrie made her way down to the master's chamber. Quietly she opened the door and closed it behind her. She tried to stay quiet but the creature inside awoke. 

"What is it this time?" The creatures deep voice penetrated the air and the room seemed to vibrate 

"It's the new visitors," Carrie explained, "One of them is unaffected by the charm"  

"Which one?"  

"The girl" 

"Bring her to me, tomorrow" the creature commanded. Carrie nodded her head and left the room, leaving the creature to prepare for the next day.


Who? (A Doctor Who Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora