The Museum

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Sorry it took me so long to get this next chapter out guys! I had testing lat week so I wasn't able to work on the story at all. But here it is. I expect there to be about three more chapters left in the story of Jazmine and the Doctor:(

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!

I stopped in front of Matt's door, the Doctor's hand held in mine. I took a deep breath and sighed. A week had passed since Matt had tried to propose to me, since the Doctor returned for me. I knocked on the door. I rocked back and forth nervously. I didn't mean to completely break the guy's heart but I needed the Doctor. I loved the Doctor. He didn't know though. Neither the Doctor nor Matt and I wasn't planning on telling either one of them.  

Matt answered the door. He took one glance at me and shut the door in my face as my mouth opened to say something to him. I pounded on the door harder.  

"Matt, sweetie. Let me explain" I wasn't sure if he would believe my story or even sympathize with it but it was worth a shot.  

"Why would I listen to you? After you left me for that guy. I thought you loved me." He screamed from the other side of the door. I felt the Doctor cringe. I let go of his hand and leaned on the door.  

"Just let me in, please. I can explain" I pleaded. I felt the door lurch from under me. The Doctor caught me before I fell to the floor. Matt held the door open and I walked in, the doctor following behind. I turned to face Matt. His face was hard, no emotion showed. He glared dangerously at the Doctor.  

"Explain. I don't have all day" Matt barked. I cringed at the anger in his voice.  

"Remember when I first met you. I tackled you because I though you were him." I pointed to the Doctor, who hung awkwardly behind me. "This man saved me from everything. He took me away and we traveled together for the longest time. He showed me things that I never would have seen if it wasn't for him. Then I left him. It was stupid of me to do that. I had killed, Matt. I couldn't look him in the eye anymore for the sake of my conscious. When you came along, I thought I had moved on. But there wasn't a single day when I didn't wonder where he had gone or what he was doing. Matt I did love you at one point, just not anymore." I rehearsed what I was going to say over and over in my head the day before. Matt just sat there, head down staring at his feet. I stood up and kissed him on the cheek.  

"Goodbye Matt" I headed for the door, trying to hold back tears. Matt grabbed my wrist. He stood up and pulled me to him. He kissed me, passionately. I saw the Doctor tense up, his hand tight in a fist, out of the corner of my eye. I kept my eyes open until I realized what he was doing. I closed my eyes and kissed Matt back for the last time. The Doctor had walked out of the room, giving me the time to say goodbye. Matt pulled away:  

"Anything?" He asked. I closed my eyes and sighed. I shook my head in reply. Matt hung his head down and sighed.  

"I'm sorry" I whispered. Matt nodded but raised his head to look at me. He grabbed the teardrop gold necklace that I the Doctor had given me.  

"Did he give you this?" I nodded. Matt's shoulders heaved as he sighed once more.  

"I should get going" I explained. I headed towards the door once more. I opened it to see the Doctor leaning on the wall opposite the flat. I walked towards him. I felt Matt's eyes on my back.  

"Jazmine," he called. I turned to face him. "Have fun out there" Matt smiled at me and I smiled back.  

"I will" I responded. Matt turned to the Doctor.  

"You are one lucky man. Jazmine is wonderful, even her funny little habits." He joked, eyeing the screwdriver charm on my necklace. "Keep her safe and cherish her. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to keep her." The Doctor nodded. Matt smiled. The Doctor smiled down at me and grabbed my hand.  

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