The Meeting

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I looked at the clock and counted down until its the second hand finally clicked onto the six. I quickly took my hat off and headed towards the back. I put the hat back on the rack and yelled "Nancy, it's 1:30. I'm leaving!" I started out the door but Nancy grabbed my upper arm before I was able to open it.  

"We need to talk" she explained as she pulled me into her office. "We are having to make some cuts," she said. I sighed, knowing where this was leading. "We are going to have to fire you. We will pay you for the month" All this time, she seemed lifeless, not caring about where I might end up tonight. I took this news quietly. 

"We'll send you the money at the end of the week"  

"Thank you." I said quietly "See you around" I left the office, trying not to cry and headed to my other job.  

I walked into the department store and slid my employee card through a credit card-like machine. I found Cathy, my boss, and asked her what she needed done. She put me in charge of the dressing rooms and I sat there assisting customer after customer.  

Hours later, Cathy threw me the keys to the store. She was a pretty lady about five years older than me and a few inches taller. She looked a lot like Snow White with straight, medium length, pitch black hair, a lighter complexion and plump red lips.  

"I'm going to need you to close up tonight, okay?" she said with slight arrogance.  

"Sure" I replied, taking a pair of clothes that was handed to me from one of the last customers and hung it up on the rack behind me. Cathy walked away without another word and left the store. It was beginning to darken outside. It felt good, for a Texas summer night, at least. 

"We are closing the store in five minutes" I said over the speaker. One by one customers slowly walked out of the store making their final purchases. I closed and locked the door behind them at nine o'clock. I began to make my final round through the aisles picking up trash and clothes. Once I finished, I went into the back storag to put a few things away. The silence of the store was ended with my scream.  

These things were standing there and they definitely noticed me. They looked like the classic hollywood aliens but were brown and wrinkly. They had three large fingers that were webbed. The lights began to flicker but fright kept me glued to the spot. One of them walked towards me and touched me. Immediately, I blacked out and fell to the floor.  

I woke up about ten minutes later and found myself locked in a cage. I looked around and saw those things again and I started to shout.  

"What do you want with me?" I asked loudly, figuring that they kept me alive for some reason. They looked but ignored me. I shook the bars trying to get their attention(and maybe try to find a way to escape). I stuck my hand through the holes trying to reach anything that would help me. Nothing. Then I remembered something that I always had with me. John had told me to always carry a flashlight and screwdriver and ever since then I had. I don't know why, as a child, I trusted him so much and followed his advice. He made an everlasting impact on my life and I was thankful for that. I pulled out my screwdriver/flashlight combo from my purse, which luckily still hung over my body. It was small and compact with many different sized screwdrivers and a flashlight at the end. I picked my head up to see if the aliens were watching me. 

That's when I heard it for the third time today. The mechanical whistling again. I heard a door slam and a electronic noise came from the direction of the outside the room. The aliens stood up and said something to each other and followed the noise. I took that as my chance and awkwardly stuck my arms through the bars. I used the screwdriver and a bobby pin I had to unlock the lock. I gently pressed on the door and it opened with a light screech. I walked out and all of a sudden the bulb above my head burst spraying glass everywhere and leaving the room black. I covered my head with my arms and turned on the flashlight. Finding my way towards the door, I sneaked down the hall. After a few steps, I looked behind me to make sure the things weren't following me. My back bumped into a large object and I turned around slowly. I went around the perimeter with my flashlight and read "Police Box" at the top. I heard of those at school when I was younger and how they were very hard to get into or escape. I heard a voice down the corridor saying "A department store really?!?" the voice paused, as of they had realized something. It had a thick english accent, the kind John had.  

"Ohhhh I see. With many people going back and forth it would not be too noticeable if someone went missing. You would have enough time to lock them up and then have one of the employees direct them outside the store. " So that's what they wanted me for!I wasn't doing their dirty work!The voice began again. "Where is she then?" he asked and footsteps began to come down the corridor. The lights returned to normal. I began to panic. I quickly turned off the flashlight and watched the corridor. I faced my back towards the box and slowly walked into it. I turned around and saw that the box was a lot larger on the inside. I gasped loudly and rushed out, forgetting the danger outside.  

A man caught me as I stumbled backwards. I turned around and took a step back. 

"John" I said confused. My hand instinctively rose and slapped him. "That's for earlier" He held his cheek and looked at me confused and in pain.  

"Do I know you?" He asked  

"Jazmine" I said, obviously.  

"Nope no idea who you are" He said easily "But I'm guessing you're important if you know who I am" he said under his breath.  

"Of course I know you!" I said defensively but backed down when I saw the aliens shift behind him. His face lightened as the aliens reached for me.  

"Wait a second," The aliens stopped reaching for me. "So this is the employee?" John asked. The things nodded their head. John looked back at me "How did you get out?" he asked "and please don't slap me again" he added, quietly.  

"I used my screwdriver" I replied holding it up for him to see. He chuckled and turned toward the aliens. "Well you know the rule,guys. 3rd grade beings are not allowed in 6th grade worlds" he said. 

I had no idea what he meant but the whole time I felt as if I had been here before. I backed away more and leaned on the box that was bigger on the inside and watched the scene but still tried to figure out where i had seen this all before. I watched the beings reach their hand towards me and before I knew it I was once again on the floor, unconscious.

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