"You need something to cheer you up!" I stated with surprising confidence. I felt Lawson smile against my shoulder. "You wanna come over?"  

Seriously, if any of my friends could see me right now, they would probably fall back in laughter. Airlia, be suggested, even by accident? Naahhh.  

Lawson grinned and me pulled out of our hug. He said, "Come over? That sounds a little naughty, don't you think?" It seemed clear that Lawson was at least back to his joking mood.  

I sighed and rolled my eyes, but ecstatic that he was back in his content mood. "We're just watching a movie; nothing like that!"  

Thankfully, his shift ended for the night, so I wouldn't have to talk to mom. At least not explain why I was going home with Lawson. She would probably go out and buy a wedding cake for us.  

Just about when I was going to ask him who is coming to pick him up, he led us to a gray Prius. The second shock of my so far boring Saturday evening came when he pulled out the keys to it.  

"You're not old enough to drive," I stated the obvious. "How did you get this without your parents' noticing?"  

"It was an early birthday gift... Plus a gift to reconcile."  

I nodded, not wanting him to bring up Tyler. We got into the car and Lawson drove to my house.  

My mom was still at the restaurant; it didn't close until twelve, and she stated until one or two finishing up business. My dad was in Chicago, working on a project. So that left me in a big empty house... With a boy. But don't worry-I'm not promiscuous.  

I actually felt kind of lonely, even though Lawson was with me. The house just seemed too uninhabited, like it has been empty for centuries. With Lawson with me, I felt more aware of myself. Did my hair stick out in mental way? Did I look good in my causal clothing? Does Lawson think I'm pretty? All these crazy thoughts were occupying the limited free space in my mind.  

Lawson flopped on the couch as I began rummaging through our movie pile. I tried searching for Get Smart, the new version, when I found an old VCR titled, "Serenity Row's Wedding." The name seemed vaguely familiar to me, but I didn't know how it was. 

Lawson came up to me and asked, "Do you need any help?" He then politely took the tape out of my hands.  

"Oh, I remember Serenity's wedding," he said. "Oliver was saying something about it after your latest meet." With a mischievous grin he added, "I think it's time to know the real truth." 

I opened my mouth to protest, but no sound came out. My gut seemed to not want to watch it; I felt like watching it would give me a weird feeling about Lawson and Oliver. And I especially didn't want to watch it with Lawson with me. 

Lawson shoved the VCR into the player and flopped on the couch, leaving me room to sit beside him. Reluctantly I did. Our fingers were mere millimeters apart. Something in me wanted them to be closer than ever. 

After a while, the ancient video started up. The quality was a little bad, but I cooperated with it. Someone-who I thought was Lawson's mother-was holding it, quite shakily, and talking animatedly with someone by her side. The camera was focused on the four-year-old me talking with four-year-old Lawson. In the video I was clutching my little pastel pink dress in frustration, and throwing leftover roses all over the place. Lawson was in a little tuxedo, also getting angry at me. It was hard to understand what we were fighting about since Lawson's mom kept cackling. 

The whole scene was very comical. Lawson and I started laughing at our augmented selves. 

"Look at me-I'm still drop-dead gorgeous at age four!" Lawson boasted. I gave him a light shove to the shoulder. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2011 ⏰

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