T.F.T.A : Hetalia!

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- Interview 3 : Sherlock -

Question 1 : Is Hetalia a good friend?

"I find him naive at worst, but he's useful in certain ways. It's intriguing to observe a person so optimistic, despite having seen centuries worth of bloody wars and deathly epidemics... What do you mean that didn't answer your question?"

Question 2 : How often do you interact?

"Hetalia seems to enjoy my deducting; always pointing at others and requesting me to observe. Despite being useless information to me, I quite enjoy it. I suppose I consider it training, and I thank Hetalia for that."

Question 3 : Is he a weak fighter?

"Did you not listen? I had just said he's seen, and most likely been in, centuries worth of bloody wars. So what do you think?"

Question 4 : What's Hetalia's job in the flat?

"Specializes in cooking. Whatever he makes always comes out perfect and delicious. Almost makes me believe there's some sorcery in it. Almost."

Question 5 : Is Hetalia a good influence to everyone? Why or why not?

"I suppose... yes. He has... a heart and he.. cares for others no matter whom they may be. He's willing to help with any situation. He's... so happy all the time..."


I do apologize for my absence. It's an excuse you read all the time, I bet, but I got very busy with school {and also my phone keeps running out of storage, and I ended up having to delete Wattpad because of Mystic Messenger-anyone play??} But! Hopefully I'll be able to come here much more often than before!

- CJ

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