Where Magician Babies Come From...

Start from the beginning

"Who do you think you're kidding, Konoha's Sorceress, do you think I don't know of your team's stunt in the Police Force?" the keeper smiled sadistically at her as he clenched the blades again sending more blood from Ayushi's neck onto the floor. "After that thing the three of you delinquents pulled, did you honestly think I'd let you in with some loser? Do you even know what's contained within these walls? All the information on Konohagakure that one might need: names, addresses, histories, intel on all missions ever done in this village. You silly child, it was your head I should've snipped off!"

Ayushi smiled breaking the archive man's concentration.

"Please, this is all just a big misunderstanding" the man laughed out stuffing a fist into the end of the scissor blades and pushing it further, initially blood shot out from Ayushi's knuckle but then the scissor set just broke into two blades with a loud clang and the entire thing fell onto the floor. "I assumed you'd be this protective over the archive right after the Kage Summit but I hope you won't be mad for the carpet. I decided not to avoid your attack because it could not possibly hurt me, also it would undoubtedly convince you that I am the real thing."

The scissor-wielding keeper backed off and walked right behind the counter. Mana was still shaking with shock and surprise but Ayushi gave her a thumb off, "Don't worry, young Mana, your mission is not affected by this at all, I've been cut and stabbed and burnt so many times that pain doesn't even affect me anymore, my satisfaction with my stay has not decreased in any way, not unless you want to call this sidequest of ours off, that is." As he spoke the giant wounds on his neck closed in almost instantly.

The young ninja magician tried her best to regain composure and nodded, the archive keeper sighed and put his signature on a permission to access the archive letting Ayushi and Mana in. As the two entered the first-floor archive hall and witnessed the vast storage of scrolls inside the girl could feel Ayushi's breath by her ear, she gently leaned to his side.

"Did you see that?"

"Yes, I felt like killing myself in shame when you got hurt, please do not pull this ever again, Ayushi-san" Mana whispered slightly louder than she'd have wanted making the archive keeper bang on the glass of the door with his steel scissors again.

"Not that, I was talking about the reaction of the archive keeper, that was not the kind of reaction we got from the Police Force, was it?" the Guru reminded Mana of the difference in protection in the two buildings, after finally realizing just what the Guru meant the girl nodded.

"Why do you think that was?" Ayushi tried to provoke some strange process of thought within the girl, Mana scratched her cheek and wiped a strand of hair out of her way.

"Well, I think that the village values information more than people. After all, at this day and age leak of information would cause deaths of many, one escaped prisoner means little compared to that." Mana theorized.

"Correct, do you think that is right?" the man asked to which Mana reacted by violently shaking her head almost instantly.

"No! A person's life is worth an infinite number of scrolls with information for me, it is the most expensive thing in the world and I'd never choose any kind of information over a person's life."

"Even if it cost the lives of many? Say it was the password from the cell of a criminal who had the Tailed Beast sealed into him, escape of that man means an attack against Konoha by a Jinchuuriki and then a Tailed Beast being unleashed when he dies, what would your choice be then?" the Guru tried to provoke Mana again and again but the girl still shook her head, albeit in a much more controlled and restrained manner.

"Even still, I'd save the life of the person I'd be saving and then fight that criminal and the Tailed Beast myself, I'd sacrifice my life before I'd let anyone die. If that criminal killed anyone I'd just blame myself because it was my responsibility to stop him as the person who chose to protect the life instead of information."

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