Chapter 18__Tricksters

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15 Years Ago

A yellow streak burst through empty space, zooming through the streets of Central City.

A flying flame burst through the night sky, flying after the yellow streak.


In the Mitchell house, Isabella laid Young Vera in bed, tucking her in. "Sweet dreams, my beautiful girl."

Young Vera smiled.

Isabella kissed her on the head, turning off the light.


Downstairs, Kaylee and Josh were in the kitchen.

Kaylee reached into the fridge, pulling out a can of soda.

Josh took it from her.

"Josh, that's mine," Kaylee told him in complaint.

"Uh-uh," Josh told her. "It's the last one, and I haven't had one yet."

"Yes, you have," Kaylee told him.

Lucas walked in. "Josh." He opened a cupboard, pulling out two glasses. "Kaylee."

Josh opened the can of soda.

Lucas raised his eyebrows at his son, waiting.

Josh hesitated, handing the can to Lucas.

Lucas took it, pouring it into the two glasses, handing Kaylee and Josh each one.

Kaylee and Josh took a drink.

Isabella stood in the doorway, smiling a small smile. "After those glasses, I think it's time for two little kids to go to bed."

"Yes, Mom," Kaylee told her.

The soda in Kaylee and Josh's glasses started to levitate in the air. 


In the living room, the Reverse-Flash burst in through

Pyra burst in after him, flying with fire, punching him in the head, making him fall to the floor. The Reverse-Flash started to zoom toward the stairs. Pyra soared toward him, grabbing him, throwing him against the wall, making him fall. 

Isabella and Lucas walked in to investigate the noise.

The Reverse-Flash came to a stand-still in front of the doorway. Pyra shot fire at him. The Reverse-Flash zoomed out of the way, making the blast of fire hit against the doorway, setting it on fire. The fire spread quickly, all too quickly for Pyra of now. Pyra continued to try to hit the Reverse-Flash repeatedly with fire, but each time, he zoomed out of the way, making the fire hit the area surrounding them.

The fire spread all over the house.

Isabella and Lucas were trapped in fire.

Kaylee and Josh walked in, separated from them through the flames.

"Mom!" Kaylee told her.

"Dad!" Josh told them.

"Kaylee, stay back!" Lucas told her.

Josh stepped closer.

"Joshua, no!" Isabella told him.

The fire burned higher around them.

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