Fourteen: Mad Girl in Pyjamas

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Ali's POV:

"Just drive Ali!" Alfie yelled at me as I sat there petrified of him, he looked twisted, full of rage and envy, all I wanted was for Jim to appear and help but there was no sign of him.

I had to obey his orders, so I pulled away from the side and drove off in no general direction. For a while we remained silent, but then I spoke up, trying to defend myself.

"Where are we going?" I asked nervously.

"To the beach, I know how much you love it." He said maliciously.

I felt myself gulp and my throat tighten, I wish Jim was here, God I even wish Caspar was here rather than Alfie, could I jump? Run out when we arrive? He can't force me can he?

As we arrived I grabbed my keys and ran away from him, I heard him yell my name but I didn't look back, I was too scared of what I would see if I did.

Running was good, too bad I did very little of it and soon became out of breath and delirious, my vision doubled and I sat down for a moment before getting up an running again, trying to text Jim but my hands were shaking too much for me to type.

A second later I fell into someone, not the best thing to do when you're trying to run away from a psycho. "Sorry!" I yelled to him as I stood back up, he grabbed a hold of my arms to check I was okay, but I couldn't stop shaking.

"Hey it's alright, are you okay miss?" He asked and I knew that voice, I was too afraid to look up and as I did I felt faint.

"Get off of me!" I yelled and continued to run, was I going crazy? I didn't just see Caspar in a suit and tie, carrying a brief case? What's wrong with me?

I continued to run and felt myself going in circles, constantly wondering where Alfie was and the terror being consistent in my mind.

"There's no where for you to hide."

"He's going to tell everyone."

"Get used to this Ali, as once he tells you'll be doing this all your life."

Voices kept knocking me down but I couldn't see where they were coming from, I finally thought my best bet would be to go back to my car and drive away as quickly as I could.

My phone began to ring and I grabbed it out of my pocket and could just make out who it was, Jim. "Jim! You've got to help me its Alf-" The line went dead, and then I heard a smash, my phone was destroyed on the floor and Alfie stood next to me with a devious smile.

"Come on Ali, we've got a lot of talking to do." He grabbed my arm and no matter how hard I tried to resist it was useless, he was too strong for me.

What happened to Alfie? The Alfie I first met was sweet and caring, he didn't care about the secret, but why did he cheat?

As we walked further away from my destroyed phone I fought back tears, I tried to make eye contact with people but they all seemed too ignorant to care, I tried speaking up and calling for help but it was no use, my voice wouldn't work.

How mad I must look, a girl in her pyjamas looking desperate and hurt, with a potential psychotic dragging me away, back to an asylum.

A few minutes later we stopped, now we were close to the beach by the rocks and I felt that this would be the last thing I saw.

"Listen here Alison, if you tell anyone then things will only get worse for you, I now know what you know and you may think you have the upper hand but you don't. You know what I'm capable of and I won't hesitant to do worse." He told me in a firm voice as I remained silent.

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