Four: That Night

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Hotel beds.

They can be either the worlds greatest and most comfy bed or a pile of bricks and a sheet on top. My hotel bed is option two, which is why I chose to sleep on the floor, not that I can sleep anyway. Not after Alfie brought that back up, we never mentioned it and if I'm honest I forgot about it, its just a matter of what to do with the information, do I tell Zoe? I know it'll break her heart and she may not believe me, but I do know I have proof, proving the incident is all too real.


"I'll see you in a few days!" I yelled to Jess as she waves goodbye.

For the next few days I'm heading out to London to visit Joe and Caspar, its been a while since I saw them but it should be a laugh, luckily I brought ear plugs and noise cancelling headphones, I know Caspar well enough now to know I need these.

I got a bus to the train station and got a the train to London where they are hopefully meeting me, I even made a bit of an effort to look nice today, I left my hair down, put my black hat on my head covering most of my hair. I have skinny jeans on, a long sleeved lilac top with black tie die and a light jacket, plus all my luggage. 

The train finally arrived and I got off with all my luggage, after being sat next to someone who seemed to be having a very bad day and phoned their girlfriend and begged for forgiveness, I hope I'm never on the receiving end of those calls...

"ALI!!!!!!!!" I turned around slowly but saw someone running at me, okay Ali be ready for the force of a hug. "Ali, this is you right? Not some stranger?" Caspar asked, but I was barely able to breathe.

"Casp, let go of her mate, let me see my sister." Joe prised him off of me and gave me a hug, ah I missed my brother.

"Hey Joseph." I smiled to Caspar who took my luggage and dropped it due to its weight.

"Hey Alison." I rolled my eyes, I shorten my name for a reason, at least with Zoe its just Zoe.

"Shall we?" Caspar asked holding out his arm me for to grab hold of, as o took hold of it Joe took my suitcase and Caspar updated me on what they've been up to, including the pranks they've been doing. And yet again tried to encourage me to set up a YouTube account, like that's going to happen any time soon.

When we got back to theirs I collapsed onto the sofa but Caspar stood over me glaring until I budged up. "Plans for tonight then?" I asked.

"I thought we could just stay in? Film? Pizza?" Joe said, and Caspar's eyes lit up I let out a soft chuckle, will this guy ever be separated from pizza? My guess is no.

"I think I'll have a wonder around, I might go to a club." Joe and Caspar gave eachother a confused look, then back at me.

"But you hate clubs..." Joe said.

"I know but I thought I'm away from home and I want to try something different. So if you don't mind I'm going to get changed." I replied grabbing my suitcase and pulling it down the stairs into Joes room, managing to trieo over the wires and fall onto his bed with a loud thump. "I'm okay!" I yelled as I got back up onto my feet, lifting the suitcase onto the bed and opening it up to see what is 'clubbing' material.

Jeans, a t shirt, leggings, PJs... Did I ever think about going outside when I was packing? I managed to find a skirt which I guess I could wear and a black long sleeved top, and my black boots, I guess I could look alright, I may look like I'm going to my 15th birthday party but its all I've got.

As I went back upstairs I said a quick goodbye and heard a wolf whistle from Caspar I rolled my eyes and as I grabbed my bag I heard a voice call me. "Ali, since you are my baby sister and the fact that you don't know the area well I'm going to have Caspar go with you." I raised an eyebrow and lookes to Caspar who looked equally as confused. Caspar let out a loud groan as he rolled off of the sofa and got to his feet and slumped his way over to Joe.

"You owe me pizza." He said as he grabbed his coat and we both left.

End of flashback.

Maybe I'll phone Caspar, I mean he is the only one who knows and would believe me and understand me, if I told Joe I think I could never forgive myself. I picked up my phone and found Caspar's number, it may be nearly 1am but I'm sure he'll answer. "Hello?" A voice asked. Not Caspar.

"Hi, is Caspar there?" I asked sleepily.

"Sorry he's just gone to sleep, can I take a message? I'm Oli by the way." Oli said.

"Oh! Oli! I've heard so much about you, I'm Joes si-" I stopped myself before I potentially made a fool of myself. "Friend. I'm a friend of Joes and Caspar's, they've told me a lot about you." Which was true, last time I visited I saw plenty of photos of them all having a laugh together.

"Right. Well hi shall I tell him you called?" He said confused, can't blame him I must've sounded like someone's grandma.

"Yeah, thanks bye." I quickly hung up and let out a loud sigh.

'Why are you always such a fail Ali?' I thought to myself.

I picked up my phone and started to watch another episode of The Vampire Diaries, that way I could go back home and be up to date with Jess. Why can't all guys be hot like Vampires and Werewolves? Oh yeah, they are fantasy, just like the perfect guy.

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