Twenty Four: Mad

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I had no idea what we could do to stop this. It was inevitable. He had it all planned out, and we had gotten distracted. He had already known I was onto him, I had given my secret away. They kept telling me it wasn't my fault but it was. This was a massacre, and I could've stopped it.

"Claire!? Derek? Draven!?" I screamed running through the halls.

I was putting on my gloves and zipping the front of my uniform back up as I ran through the base. I got distracted, I wasn't on my game. This was indeed my fault. Jordan ran behind me, buttoning his shirt back up. I smiled slightly at his almost, and incredibly ripped, bare chest.

"CLAIRE!" I screamed looking through the halls of people on gurneys and the dead bodies scattered amongst the place.

"Kyle! Where are you!?" Jordan yelled behind me.

"Ari!" someone yelled behind me.

I turned around and saw Claire, with Derek. Then I saw him. Kyle, was on a gurney, and he was pretty beat up. Jordan turned and his eyes went wide. I ran, and bear hugged Claire. She laughed and then I could feel her begin to sob.

"Hey, hey look at me." I said holding her face. "We'll be fine."

"Ari, look around you. Does this seem fine?"

"Claire, c'mon go to the hospice and help the victims. Bring some kind of good to the situation with your mathematician doctor mind." I said pushing her away.

She smiled as she ran away from the group of us. Derek looked at me, and then down at Kyle. Jordan stood back from us, and I looked at him. He smiled at me, something I knew was fake.

"X. Come here." Kyle said. His voice was raspy and he was coughing really badly.

"Kyle, we're getting help." I waived for someone to come to us. "Hang on."

"Don't hurt him, X." he stated looking up and over at Jordan. "I can see how he looks at you. He's falling, and falling fast."

"Kyle, I'm not sure we should talk about this while you're dying..." I said trailing off.

Someone came with a gurney and lifted him up onto it, and began to rush him away. Jordan went with them, and he looked back at me. I simply smiled and then turned away from him and to Draven. I looked at him, and he looked at me.

"It was Scott." I said as he pulled me aside.

"You're sure?"


"Okay, what about Father?"

"He didn't believe me."

"And this is the outcome. Where is the bastard anyway?"


"No he doesn't care that much about Kyle."

"Sick. Let's find him."

We walked towards the office, and there he was. Standing watching people go by, rushing to help. But did he help? No, of course not.

"I'm going to find him, sir." I said approaching him alone.

"You will be doing no such thing, Agent X."

"You can't expect me to just NOT go after him" I snapped at him.

"You aren't going anywhere, my dear. You are too vital to this organization to just let you leave." he said filing his papers calmly.

"I have my own free will, I can leave if I choose to."

"We own you, you can't do anything without my permission. You are our vital aspect, our living success, and we cannot let you go." he said standing from the desk.

"He just KILLED half of our men, are to too arrogant to realize that you just lost half of your fucking population!?" I yelled.

"I can see that perfectly, I just don't give a damn. We have a mission to finish, and you are the leader. So get out of my fucking office, and get to your goddamn job."

I left angry and frustrated. Confused for the most part, like why didn't he care? His precious mutant son was still alive. I guess that's all that mattered to him. As I walked through the hallway, he showed his face.

"Hey!" He yelled

"Jordan, I suggest you back the fuck up. I don't want to hurt you."

"Awe come on honey, you know you need me right now."

He came up next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. He chuckled softly and walked with me. As we walked, we walked through blood. Through the bodies of my friends, my only family left. These people had died to try and save me, and I would not let them die for nothing. It's not that I'm a revenge filled lab experiment come to life. I was an angry woman with an advantage that I wasn't allowed to use. I mean if you change a girl into a mutant shouldn't she be able to use her powers for the greater good? I thought so. As we walked through the flooded hallways, as people took the bodies away on gurneys, and took them out of the building, I thought to myself, why wasn't I doing anything?

"I need to get my revenge."

"You can't leave. You know Father will never allow it, and he will punish you when he finds out."

"He can't punish me if I'm not here, only if I come back."

"You won't come back you mean...?" His face dropped and I smiled softly.

"I'd come back, you wouldn't survive without me here." I smirked pushing him into the wall.

As I walked away from Jordan, my mind rambled... How would I get out of this goddamn prison of a base? How would I find Scott without being captured, or killed? Honestly, I had no clue.

"What about Kyle?" I asked looking at Jordan.

"He went into surgery, I couldn't stay down there any longer."


"X, I mean what can we do now? Scott was one person, but he's gone and now has an army of our enemies protecting him."

"I don't know Jordan! Look what he's done. Look what he's caused!" I said looking around at our fallen men.

"Babe, I know. But look at me."


"We can't go up against an army, with just our small team. And now we'll both be on high alert. We'll never be able to finish the job..."

I looked around, and saw all the blood, and then my mind just snapped with an idea. I looked at Jordan, and I smiled. I pulled him along, then grabbed Draven on my way. They looked at each other confused.

"Go to our room, I'm getting Derek and Claire."

"But, Ari." Draven began.

"Draven just go, take Jordan to the bedroom."

I ran around and found Derek helping people get up, and get to some kind of chair. I told him to go to Draven's room. He nodded and jogged away. I looked around at the people before I went down to see Claire. They looked horrified and miserable.

"I'm going to fix this, I promise." I whispered as I ran to the hospice room.

As I ran, I saw Claire in my vision. I yelled her name, and then grabbed her pulling her with me.

"C'mon, I have a plan."

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