Twenty Five: Plans

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"You will NOT." Jordan said glaring at me.

"Who are you to tell me otherwise?" I snapped.

"I'm your boyfriend!" he yelled standing tall in front of me.

"You're what?" Claire asked quickly looking at Jordan and I.

"He's what?" Draven said looking up from the laptop.

"Ari, what about...?" Claire said motioning her eyes toward Draven.

"Jordan and I are trying out a relationship. And it seems to be working out. But that isn't the point here. I'm the only thing they want from this agency, so why not give them me? I could get in, and then pretend to be with them, make up a story that I was betrayed or something. It's perfect."

"It's also extremely dangerous, and I won't have it." Jordan said walking around the table to the laptop.

He took it off the smooth surface, and then projected something onto the screen. The blueprints of the enemy base appeared before us and Jordan began with his rant.

"You're going to nonchalantly, walk up into a base, surrounded by pressure sensing bombs, and expect them just to let you in, no questions asked? They'll take you, torture you, and when they're done doing that... there will be nothing left of you. They will break you, and if they actually decide to have some kind of mercy and let you live, they'll lock you up in a high security cell, and you'll be a prisoner there until we can find a way to get you out, alive." He was on a roll. "You may be their property by law, but as long as you're here, you're safe, and that's all that matters."

"Jordan, this isn't up for debate." Draven said looking at me. "I've seen that face she has made that face at me one too many times, and she'll either go with or without your permission. She doesn't care about the risks anymore. She just wants to let Scott get what he deserves."

"Thanks Draven." I said blushing a little.

"You can't be serious!" Jordan said looking at Draven and I frustrated.

"Listen, I'm going to be just fine, in case any of you forgot, I do have mutant powers, that could possibly destroy someone if they needed too." I said adding to the fact I would be able to do this.

"Jordan, we get it. Agent X is of top priority, but she is also our only chance of actually getting into this agency, and taking our revenge, and carrying out our mission." Derek said looking up from Claire.

"Ari, if you're absolutely sure..." Claire said looking up at me.

"I'm absolutely sure."

"Then I'm with everyone else. Jordan she can handle this, you just have to trust her."

Jordan looked around at all of us, and then just at me. His eyes were sad, and they glowed blue. He knew we were right, he just didn't wish to let me go. I smiled at him, and he sighed.

"Alright, alright. Fine. We'll prepare you for departure first thing Friday morning."

"Sweet!" I exclaimed.

They all looked around, and then Jordan left. I looked at the door he exited from, and rubbed my temples. I could understand why he was upset.

"So, Jordan huh?" Draven said looking at me, eyebrows raised.

"Shut up." I said laughing.

"I didn't say anything, I'm just glad you're happy."

"You're okay with that?" Derek said astonished looking at Draven.

"She's happy, that's all I ever cared about." He said softly looking back at the screen, then turning away from us towards the computer.

I smiled and then left. Jordan was nowhere in the general area, so I went searching. He wasn't with Father, and he wasn't in the training room. So as I walked down the hall towards my own room. I hear a smash come from Derek's, and knowing Derek was not in his room, I assumed in was none other than Jordan. I walked near the door, and then pushed it open. Jordan sat on the edge of his bed, shirtless, and facing the wall opposite me. There were holes, all over the one next to the door. I looked at them, then at his fists. They were red, and his knuckles bled.

"Jordan..." I said coming into the room and closing the door.

"Why?" he stood facing me, god his chest was amazing. "Why do you insist on going through with this?"

"I have to do this."

"No, you don't." he said grabbing my arms, and pushing me against the door. "You don't have do to do anything. That's the beauty of it."

"Jordan, you can't ask me not to go through with this." I pleaded looking into his eyes. They were glowing, and I was mesmerized.

"I wouldn't do that. God, I think about you all the time, and now you're going in alone? How dangerous will it be? I don't know. I don't know anything, and I'm fucking worried. Because I think I might actually really like you, and I can't handle losing you."

"Babe. I will be just fine." I said leaning up towards his lips.

He beat me to it, pushing me against the door, kissing me fiercely. I moaned and he smiled. All I thought of was this morning before all this nonsense happened. How blissful it was. As night fell upon us yesterday, Derek was with Claire, so we took our opportunity, and we... let's just say we used our time wisely. And as usual, the sparks were undeniably there. And honestly, even if they weren't there I wouldn't care. He's amazing, and smart, and kind to me. I didn't think it could get better than Draven, but it has.

I was afraid, to be honest. I wasn't sure what I was feeling, and that scared me the most. Not the dangerous missions, not the fact that most of our agents were savagely attacked, the fact that I didn't know what was going to happen next.  

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