Six: The File

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Full Name: Adrianna Elise Johnson

Date of Birth: November 15th, 1996

Time of Birth: 1:32 a.m.

Mothers Maiden Name: Elizabeth Jane Martin

Father's Name: Daniel James Johnson

Doctor: Dr. Andrew Sullivan

Assisting Nurse(s): Julia Dawson, Jillian Howle, and Gregory Tippin

Weight: 7 pounds 6 ounces

Gender: Female

Doctors Notes: While this baby seemed healthy, she had immediate problems with breathing. With an umbilical cord wrapped around your neck, who wouldn't? Mother seemed worried, while the father was calm... maybe too calm. While nurses successfully brought air to this child's lungs, the father showed no signs of relief nor any sign of love for this child. Odd, to say the least. Healthy heart beat, lungs improved tremendously. Honestly, looks like her father, but has her mother's eyes. Opened her eyes at 3:56 a.m. A beautiful blue, like her mother's. Checked out around 9:00 a.m. the next day, headed home. Mother looked exhausted, father was somewhat angry. Seems to be unfit as parents in my own eyes.

Your eyes would be wrong, sir. As I read on, the details stopped, and simple medical facts were written in. Blood pressure, beats per minute, stuff like that. As I read, the writing became less, and less like writing, more scribbles. Then a small piece of paper fell to the ground. I ignored it for now, looking through the other papers. They were reports, on my growth, on my performance as a baby. Then my grandpa was recording my performance in my taekwondo classes. My wins, and my losses. My belt receiving dates, the day I began teaching younger students. It was odd, like my grandpa was my social worker or something. I picked up the letter, putting the file on the counter top.

My dearest daughter Adrianna,

This is probably very confusing. I'm sorry that your father and I couldn't be there with you. We loved you, ever so dearly. But we couldn't care for you. Your father's line of work, was not something that a child should've been brought up in. It's not every day that a child grows up in a spy's world. I'm sorry you had to read this in a letter, and I'm sorry that now I've put you in serious danger. They were trying to steal this file back. You're grandfather has been keeping you off the record for some time now, but as soon as you turned 18... they knew it all. It is why they will be putting you through extensive training. I know this is confusing. There is no reason to get your grandparents involved now, just make it all seem normal to them. They could be hurt otherwise. Don't tell anyone what I've told you. Nobody can know who you truly are. Adrianna, I love you. Your father did as well. He was tough, but he was full of passion. Would've killed any boyfriend you ever had if he was there right now. I'm so sorry, again for it all. Do not be angry, do not be sad, be happy. And remember.

'The blood of thine enemies is not worthy of thines sword.'

We love you,

Mom and Dad

And that was all there was. Nothing else was in this file, no pictures, nothing to show me who they were. I was confused to say the least. Who tells their daughter this in a letter!? My grandparents walked into the front door, and immediately went to put the groceries away. I went to my room. I didn't think I could handle them and not say anything at all. I laid down, and simply slept. I didn't want to think, I didn't want to feel. I just went on and became a part of the darkness we humans call sleep.

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