Nine: Project X

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"Agent X, wake up." Someone yelled at me.

I snapped up from my bed, immediately taking a defensive stance. It wasn't easy getting up, I felt drowsy and drugged. As my vision cleared, I could see that it was Father standing in front of me, with Draven in the doorway. Where was I again? That's right, I didn't know.

"Hey baby." Draven said stepping around Father and towards me.

"Don't call me baby, Draven. How could you lie to me, this whole time?" I snapped at him.

"He couldn't tell you, it is in the code of conduct. We are a secret organization, not some political party." Father said looking at me.

"Why am I here? What do you want with me?"

"You, my dear, are our greatest asset. Adrianna, you're father created project x, a mutation sequence for our agency in order to begin total peace. When he met your mother, he instantly fell in love with her and lost track of where we were with the project. He eventually had human trials, all ending in death. We lost many agents in that time." He paused as if he was remembering the people. "But, he soon found he had to somehow get the genes perfect, completely match them to those of the mutations genes. She got pregnant, and he took his chance. He began to feed your mother the hormones and genes needed in order to make you, the perfect fit for Project X. She found out, and was furious. She didn't want you to grow up being a mutant child, but she didn't understand what was at stake here. So when she was asleep, he would slowly inject it into the bloodstream. It wouldn't harm your mother, but it was going straight to you. You have the genes in you, you have what we need. We just have to activate them."

"Ari," Draven said looking at me "We need you."

"You need me?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes, dear, we need to train you and activate the genes within you to make the ultimate weapon. A mutant soldier." Father said coming forward.

He handed me a stack of clothes. They were all black. Then he gave me a pair of black combat boots, perfect fit. They left the room ass I changed. I put my pants on, and they were tight. They shaped my ass well, and they were spandex, but also leather in some areas. The shirt was a tank top, tight as well. It pushed my boobs up, making them look bigger than they actually were. I put the socks on my feet, and then but on my boots. I slipped on the leather jacket that was provided, and pulled my hair from underneath it. I looked badass, and I felt sexy too. As I walked out Draven turned and just stared. I smiled and walked behind Father. We met up with Jordan, and he stared at me. Draven punched him in the arm.

"Don't even think about it." Draven growled.

"She's fair game now man." He said.

I could feel his eyes on my ass. I turned and looked at him sensually. His eyes went wide as he grinned. Don't get me wrong, Jordan was cute, but I loved Draven. As we walked we entered the elevator, and we went up about ten floors. People were everywhere. This must be a popular floor. When it said training rooms, I understood why. We walked, and people all stared at me. There was rarely a woman in this building. Every single man that walked by, either ass or boobs, and then Draven would give them dirty looks. We ended up in the room marked 'Swords'. Fitting, as we walked in, a sword flew past my face, and got stuck in the wall. I froze, and Draven held my arm, and my waist so I wouldn't faint. I calmed down, and a boy about my age, or a year older, came out running.

"Sir! I am so sorry!" He yelled coming up to us.

"It's alright Scott." Father said looking back at me.

"Are you alright?" Scott asked me, looking into my eyes.

I knew him. Brown hair, Brown eyes. Pale skin, my house, my file. Flashes of what had happened. The intruder in my home, was the man in front of me. Before I could say anything I threw a punch at his face. He dodged quickly, and then flipped backwards.

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled at Scott.

"What the hell!?" he said getting out of his attack stance.

"You were in my house!" I yelled again.

I approached him slowly, and then jumped on his back, driving my knee into the middle of. He fell to the ground and cried out in pain. I lifted his shirt to see bandages, and now a fresh blood stain forming in the middle of those white bandages. He cringed in pain as I got up.

"How those stitches holding up?" I asked laughing and walking back to Draven.

"Agent X. That was unnecessary and cruel." Father said looking at Scott as he got up. "Well done, you are a true warrior."

"Alright, now that you've had your temper tantrum." Scott said looking at me "Let us choose your weapon, and we shall begin the training, Project X."

The wall slid out like a kitchen cabinet. The lights turned on and the row of knives and words lit up. It was very beautiful. Nothing grabbed my attention at first. Until I saw it. The Katana Blade. The one I had used in previous Taekwondo practices, and competitions. I immediately went for it, and Father chuckled. I looked at him and he smiled at me, like a proud dad or something.

"That was your father's weapon of choice as well." He said looking at me. "Draven chose the Machete, and Jordan chose the throwing knives. Your father was the only one, ever, to choose such a delicate and deadly blade. He gave me this scar on my face."

"I'm sorry." I said involuntarily.

"It's alright dear, you're going to have many more scars than I do after this training."

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