Twenty One: Challenge Accepted

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I woke up early and sat up in my bed. Draven was at his desk, the light from his computer blinding me. I squinted until my eyes adjusted. He was going over files and looking at photos. Diving into his work so he wouldn't have to think about us. There was a knock at the door. He turned towards it, and looked surprised that I was awake. My hair was a mess, and my eyes were groggy, but wide. I opened the door, and there was Derek. He looked at me, then saw Draven awake. He pushed past me.

"Come on in." I snapped at him.

"It's important." He turned looking at me.

"Derek, what's wrong?"

"The case. He's gone missing. He isn't in the safe house."

"What!?" Draven yelled, jumping up from his chair.

"Jordan was going through the file, then went into the video feed we have, and now he's just... gone. He isn't in the underground either. None of our motion detectors went off."

"Did he disable them?"

"How would he? He had no knowledge of them even existing."

"We gotta find him Derek, he's the only person we have who's a double agent." Draven said while putting on actual pants.

As he changed his shirt, I couldn't help but stare at his body. The body that was once mine. I smirked a little, and he looked at me. He smiled chuckling, then looked to Derek again.

"Let's go."

"Guys!" Jordan yelled barging in. "I found him, he's on the move."

"To where?"


"Why is that a big deal?" I asked confused.

"Not our home-base. He's going to them, and he's moving fast. If we don't catch him, all our vital information... is in their hands."

"Let's go. NOW." Draven said pushing them out the door.

And they were gone, off on a mission. Off and out. As I dressed, Draven ran back in. He forgot his weapon he was in such a rush. I was shirtless, and he looked at me. I smiled and pushed him out.

"Come back." I stated.

"Always." He said looking into my eyes.

And again he ran off, and I finished putting on my uniform. I strapped my sword to my back, and put on my belt. I walked into the hallway and people were rushing out to the main hall. I followed, Claire joining me as I went.

"Hey. What's going on?" she asked looking around.

"I'm following the crowd." I responded.

We walked into the hall and to the front. I saw Derek and Draven. Jordan was with Father yelling at him. Draven looked at us, and waved us to follow, Derek hugged Claire, and held her close. I stood next to Draven, tall and independent. He didn't make a move to touch me.

"Why are we still here!?" Jordan yelled.

"We have a team on your case, we need all of you here."

"Father! That is ridiculous! That is OUR case." Jordan snapped.

"I understand that, son. But I'm assigning you a new case." He said looking at Jordan, then to me. "And I'd like you to meet your new partner."

"Father. You know the situation is complicated." He snapped at his dad.

"There is no complicated Jordan, this is work. Your relationship with X has nothing to do with this."

"There isn't a relationship." I stated, looking over at Father.

Jordan looked at me, a little disappointed. I looked at him confused, and he turned away. Draven watched the interchanging of our facial expressions, and didn't look any different. He waited for Father to continue with the details. Father walked to the middle of the room, and he looked around.

"Agents, today we mark the day in history that we, are the superior ones. We are the top agency. My own son, yesterday demonstrated his skills with his Mutation, and Agent X, our most recent and seemingly most powerful success, are joining forces, and will begin the missions and assignments in order to take down our enemies."

People cheered, and as he rallied them up, it slowly died as more people left. Some would congratulate us, and others would simply smile. I looked at Jordan, and he even looked uncomfortable with this situation. Father brought us all into his office, and we sat down. He handed everyone a file, with the same title; 'Mutation'. As I opened it, it was our files, and then one thing in the back. A different file. A small packet of information on the 'Enemy'. Jordan looked at his dad, eyes wide.

"Father, you cannot expect only the two of us to be able to..." Jordan trailed off.

"I don't. That I why you have the rest of your team here."

I looked at Claire and Derek, and finally Draven. He had no emotions right now. He didn't say I couldn't go. He didn't fight my possible death. Claire was held by Derek.

"Honestly sir, no offense to anyone, but I'd rather work alone." I said standing tall and looking at Father.

"Not an option. You could die, and I won't have that." Jordan said immediately, grabbing my arm.

"Plus, you'll need all of us." Derek said.

"You will work as a team, and there are no exceptions." Father said.


"Good." Father started "Now go, I have set up a room for you plan out what you're going to do."

We all left. As we walked Draven followed me swiftly, then grabbed me. Pulling me aside, he looked at Derek and made sure that everyone kept going. Jordan watched me as he was pushed forward towards the room. I looked at Draven, and his eyes were closed.

"Not being with you is the worst thing I've ever done to myself. And not fighting Father on that fact that you would work with Jordan, is the most control I've ever shown when it comes to you. Jordan defending you, should've been me. God, I miss you. Every night I stay up, and you being so close to me... only a bed away? It's torture. I love you Adrianna, but you still feel for Jordan, and that, well that kills me."

"Draven I don't know what you want me to say."

"Nothing, something, anything. It wouldn't matter. I know you feel for him. And I can't control that... but what I can control is this."

He kissed me, and it was amazing. I moaned slightly and wrapped my arms around his neck. He brought me closer, and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pushed me against the wall, and pulled away from me. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled up at him, and kissed him again. He kissed back, and then the door to the room opened. I pulled away, and Claire stood there looking at us. She gave me the 'I know what you were doing, now get in here' look. I nodded and walked away from Draven smiling. Draven followed us in about a minute later, and he was back to the emotionless person he was before he dragged me to the side. As I watched them get to work, I realized, that this was it. I was finally getting out.

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