Twenty Eight: Confused

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"Jordan I can't do it anymore." I said barging into his room.

Derek and Claire split from each other, and then looked at me. I chuckled softly and watch Claire put her jacket on, embarrassed and then leave. Derek stood, and looked at the bathroom. I then heard the shower running, and I smiled.

"Thanks, and sorry."

"Don't worry I'll just have her later."


As I opened the bathroom door, he yelled 'occupied' at me. I kept coming in, and then closed the door. He looked up at me, and smiled. The water rolled off his perfect body, and I just couldn't look at him knowing what I was about to do. I turned towards the back wall, and he turned off the water.

"Babe, what's wrong?" he asked touching my shoulder.

"I can't do this anymore. Jordan I won't lie to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm in love with you. But I can't stop loving Draven."

"I see..." he said trailing off.

"I didn't want you to find out this way, I should've just taken a break from dating not even worried about it, focused on work."

"I don't blame you, you and he were together for a long time."

"You're not angry?"

"I'm disappointed that I am not enough for you, but I understand... I just I don't think I'll be able to hold back my love for you."

I laughed, and he kissed my cheek. I slowly left his room, and then when I was out. I breathed in the air. And I felt better. Now as it was Tuesday now, I needed to leave. Claire, I'm coming for you.

"Claire!" I said barging into the room.

"God dammit woman!" Derek yelled getting off of Claire.

"Yes honey?" she said sarcastically.

"I need to go, now."

"I thought we planned for Wednesday... what changed?"

"I have two guys here who both love me, and I need to complete his before something goes wrong."


"You need my assistance?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, Derek get both of them to go to training with you. Just get the two of them away long enough to where I can get out."

"Let's do this." Claire said.

Derek got Draven first then picked up Jordan. I got into my room, and packed a small bag. I put my training clothes in there, any basic necessities needed. I looked at Draven's screen, and smiled. His pictures of us still floated on the screen. I looked at myself in the mirror and then down at myself. I put my sword around my back, and a smaller knife on my right thigh. Making sure my suit was straight and my boots and gloves were on correctly, I finally left, closing the door behind me. As I walked through the hall, there was barely anyone there. It was basically dinner time. I met Claire and we got onto the elevator, and we silently rode it up to the highest level possible.

"You'll be flying, and here is your pilot." She said showing me another agent.

"Ready to fly?" he asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"You know the plan. You get dropped before their airspace, then hoof it from there. Avoid the bombs, because you know where they are. Avoid the range of the shooters, and if they spot you... well mask yourself with your mind. Make yourself invisible. I know you can sneaky bitch." She said sarcastically. "Get in, and gain their trust. Fight the biggest male, the biggest female, I don't know, do something to get them to need you. They own you, use it against them. Make them believe you're there to stay. And make sure your story is believable. They'll kill you if there's any kind of doubt. And they know how to kill someone like you, even if you're mutation is brand new. They know."

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