Chapter Fifteen

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Not long after, Mycroft appeared looking very grave but not overly upset about his brother's death, another realistic performance. By this point, John was seemingly more stable, or as stable as he could be anyway.

"I'm very sorry, John." Mycroft said quietly as he came in. John just nodded while I glared at him forcefully. I was still angry with him even though he wasn't entirely to blame by any means. I just needed someone to blame and it just happened to be him.

"Molly, may I have a word?" He asked.

"Yeah of course." She replied and they both left, with Lestrade looking after them questioningly.

There was silence for a few minutes only broken by a few sniffs and sighs.

"W-what do w-we do now?" Mrs Hudson asked, looking at the wall.

"Uh...I think we...I have no idea." Uncle Greg replied, still wearing the shocked expression.

None of us knew what we were to do now. None of us knew what happened next. I knew what I wanted to do but I couldn't. We fell back into the melancholy silence.

"Alice, he's not dead." John whispered suddenly, so only I was able to hear him.

I blinked a few times, not sure I was hearing him properly. "What?"

"He's not. He's not dead. He'll be back soon, it's not real." He insisted urgently.

I had to remind myself he didn't know. He didn't know. He doesn't know.

"John, he is. He's dead." I said, my voice breaking on the last word.

"Sherlock, he can't just die. He told me he was ahead of Moriarty. He can't be dead." John said nodding.

I wasn't sure if it was all the crying I'd done or being shot or lying to him but I didn't even stop to remind myself he didn't know the truth. I wanted him to believe it and maybe then he could know. I didn't even think.

"John, I know. He's not, he's-"

Suddenly I was being hauled up from the chair I was sat in and dragged from the room without a word. I could feel fingers digging into my forearm but kept quiet as we flew down corridors.

"Alice!" Mycroft fumed when we were at least two wards away from the room.

Again I kept quiet. I knew I wasn't supposed to tell, especially John but he'd known.

No he hadn't. I finally reminded myself.

"I understand this is hard for you, but you need to pull yourself together!" Mycroft said, his hands firmly on my shoulders.

I met his gaze and knew he was right. I was letting everything get in the way of what I was supposed to be doing and so I was jeopardizing the entire plan.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"Don't be sorry. You can't help it."

"Won't he realise something's wrong by the way you pretty much pulled me from that room?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"We'll find an excuse."

"Where's Sherlock?"

"I've sent him away."


"Of course not."

Molly came round the corner looking expectant. It was weird, she had suddenly found all this confidence and was taking charge. I was glad in a way, someone needed to now that we were all falling to bits. "John's asking what that was about. Come on."

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