Chapter One

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"Sherlock!" I shouted as I closed the door to 221B behind me. "Sherlock! John! I'm home!"

There was the clink of a chain being pulled back and Mrs Hudson peeped her head out the door of her flat. "Alice, had a nice day at school, love?" She asked smiling.

"Yes thank you, Mrs Hudson." I lied, as I did every day. "Do you know where John and Sherlock are?"

"Ooh I nearly forgot. They've gone out on a case. Sherlock told me to tell you they'll probably be back late and not to wait up for them." She said. "Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?"

"No thank you, Mrs Hudson. I've got to catch up on some homework." I replied smiling back at her warmly.

"Okay if you're sure. I can bring one up if you like?" She insisted.

"Honestly, it's fine. Thank you." I said, patting her arm as I walked by.

"Well you know where I am if you need anything." She said, before going back inside her flat as I made my way up the stairs.

Of course Sherlock was on a case. When wasn't he?

I flung my school bag on the sofa and went into the kitchen to fix myself a glass of water that I gulped down in just short of five seconds. I opened the fridge door expecting to see my half eaten chocolate bar from this morning but was instead confronted by a severed hand that looked disgustingly fresh. I sighed and cautiously moved it to the side, used to the weirdness of it by now. I instantly noticed the piece of paper that was sat next to it that had words scrawled onto it in Sherlock's messy handwriting.

'Don't touch the hand, I'm testing something. Mycroft is coming over later to check on you probably. Please hide my cigarettes somewhere not obvious. I'd rather not have another lecture from him.


Ps. Lestrade ate your chocolate.'

I gave another frustrated sigh. I don't know why he bothered asking me to hide them. No matter where I put them Mycroft would know where they were. And I was really looking forward to that chocolate.

I picked up the cigarette packet from the arm of his chair and looked around for somewhere 'not obvious' to hide them. I'd already tried under Billy, in my room, in Mrs Hudson's, in my school bag, in the fridge and even once down my shirt, all unsuccessfully. (The last one had been the least successful but I'd rushed for time when Mycroft showed up earlier than expected). No matter where I put them, Mycroft always managed to find them some way or another.

I threw them amongst a mound of papers and files. They'd definitely be spotted but I wasn't bothered.

I began my chemistry homework but was done within ten minutes and bored again. It was all so boring.

Technically, I was failing in school but it wasn't because I couldn't do the work. It was because I was so bored I didn't bother listening to them or they said my work wasn't what they asked for or some other excuse. They just didn't like it because I showed up most of the teachers in the stupid school by knowing more than they did. If they didn't teach such mundane things I would have probably listen more. Both Mycroft and Sherlock had threatened me with private boarding school if I didn't improve my grades and attitude so I'd been trying extra hard over the past fortnight. I'd thought that those two could at least understand what it was like for me but they argued that I needed the social skills and told me to just get on with it.

After putting away my finished homework and throwing my school bag away in my wardrobe so it was out of the way, I looked around for something to do.

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