Chapter Fourteen

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When I came to I found I was extremely uncomfortable. I moaned irritatedly and shifted about to try and find a more comfortable alternative to how I was currently sat. When my eyes had finally shrugged of the heavy feeling of sleep, I opened them and blinked a few times at the dim light. I was sat in a car which was probably the reason I was so uncomfortable. I recognised it as one of Mycroft's cars and the more I came to, the more I sensed another person's presence.

Turning I saw Uncle Mycroft sat beside me talking into his phone. When he saw I was awake he ended the call and watched me apprehensively.

"Mycroft?" I said, still feeling half asleep, my throat croaky and dry.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked.

I nodded and he handed me a small glass of water. I drunk it in one gulp, not realising how thirsty I actually was. I put the glass on the floor of the car and turned back to Mycroft.

"Have you told him?" I said.

He looked away nervously. "No."

I took a deep breath, just to be sure I was still able to because it felt like my chest was being crushed by rocks. I hated myself for being so weak. I cared too much and now look where it was getting me. I shouldn't care so much. It didn't help anything. It made me weak and vulnerable. But I couldn't help it. Sherlock was my dad and John was as good as and now I had to watch as they both fell apart. This wasn't fair.

"Why did you tell me, Mycroft?"

He winced. "Because...I couldn't lie to you about it. I couldn't watch you go through that."

I gritted my teeth and shook my head angrily. "And you're asking me to do the same thing."

"It's not the same, Alice."

"Isn't it? I have to sit here and watch my dad pretend to die and I have to watch John fall to pieces in front of me and I have to lie to him every day and believe it or not, Mycroft, that is not something that I think I can do."

"Would you rather John die? Mrs Hudson? Greg?" He asked.

"Obviously I don't want them to die. Why can't they be told?"

"I'm sorry, Alice but I'm not talking about this anymore." Mycroft said turning away from me.

I sighed. "Why have you blacked out the windows?" I knew the answer and I'd usually have been glad but at that moment in time, I hated anything and everything Mycroft had chosen to do.

"Why do you think?"

"I'm not stupid. I know what's happening. What? I'm okay to know about it but not to see it?"

"Fine then." He said, irritated and I could tell he thought I was acting like a spoilt child. Maybe I was. I didn't really care. He clicked a few buttons that were built into the door on his side and the windows, which had been blacked out before, were now clear and I could see where we were.

We were parked near Bart's with a clear view of the street in front. They hadn't told me the plan but I'd pretty much got it. After all, there were only so many ways of doing it. The entire street had been closed off. It was strange, it looked so normal but it wasn't. It was early morning as far as I could tell and there wasn't many people around. I assumed they were all in on it. Either that or they were in for a surprise.

My eyes flickered up to the hospital rooftop and I did a double take when I saw Sherlock standing on the edge with Moriarty stood behind him looking amused.

"Mycroft have you got audio?" I asked, knowing full well he would do. He looked at me as if he was going to say no but gave in after a few seconds and held out an ear piece.

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