Dawn of a vamp part 7

Start from the beginning

the upper floor. in my time at damiens home i had never explored the upper halls. Damien had once said that there was nothing of interest. but i was curious. in a world that didnt make sense, we prescious few have to cling to the remaining peice of sanity we had left.

and so running towards my new found haven, i felt a little of my sanity return. Questions flooded, my mind like the river bursting through a dam. Damien.who was this dark stranger who had taken my heart so captive?

Who watched over cody, like a father would a son.

I stared at the arrogant faces of his anscestors my hand brushed along the chipped paint. each set of eyes seemed to follow me through rooms.

I felt like a servant girl lost to a world of nobles. i felt like i didnt belong, a misfit finding her place.

My wandering must have sent me in the general direction of the servants qauters because not more than a moment later,i was knocked of my feet, by a maid. she was dressed in plain modern day clothes her fiery curls were hidden beneath a black bandana. the angry retort died on her lips and her face transformed into a look of frozen horror.

"Its not possible" she stuttered, falling over her wash bucket, i caught her midfall she struggled in my arms. terror still the dominant feature on her face.

"im sorry?" i asked caustiously struggling to control my annoyance. i wasnt exactly known for my sunny outlook on life. and right now i was in no mood to be messed with.

"your her.." she offered uselessly, i sighed this conversation seemed to be going nowhere. i set her down gently to her feet. she backed away a few paces her blue eyes wide with disbelief.

"and her would be...?" i asked curiously, my interest sparked. i tapped my finger against folded arms, a nervous habit or so i was told. the girl gulped at my impaitence.

"Mia summers?"she made it sound like a question rather than a statement of fact. i frowned suddenly suspicscous. what was damien keeping from me this time?

"No im juliet summers, Mia was my aunt" i said slowly deep in thought. my aunt had died while my mom was only 7 years of age. people had often remarked i looked like her, but that wouldnt explain this womans reaction.

The maids eyes widend further still, she hung her head in shame before dropping into a quick curtsy. i had to stiffle a gigle this was like something out of an old fashioned movie. next id find a carrige in the driveway or mints on my pillow.

"How did you know her?" i asked forcing my voice into a neutral tone. I didnt want to frighten the maid any more than she obviously was.

"beggin your pardon m'lady it was not my place" she said bobing once more. i caught her arm in mid turn she looked at me her cheeks flooded a deep crimson. her blue eyes were instantly wary.

"whats your name?" i asked gently keeping my voice low and persuasive, the maid relaxed from her tense posture.

"Lottie m'lady, although if i may be so bold as to speak, i think it highly improper for a lady of your status to be mixing with the commoners of this house"

"dont put yourself down! lottie this is the 21st century, women have the right to vote now. your not a slave!" lottie smiled kindly at my little tirade.

"ah but when youve lived for the better part of 3 century m'lady, such trivial things dont seem to matter" she patted my arm maternaly before heading towards the exit.

"wait"i cried out forcing my feet to match her quick pace.

"Beggin your pardon mam but theres work to be done and im a busy woman this house hold doesnt run itself you know" she said a little proudly wiping a bit of invisble lint from her sleeve. i stared at her dumfounded, this woman was a complete mystery. one minute she was so frightend she could barely string a sentence together, and the next she was trying to get rid of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2009 ⏰

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