Dawn of a vamp part 4

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For stony limits cannot hold love out,

And what love can do that dares love attempt.

Romeo and Juliet

All was silent, the world seemed a far of cry on an ocean shore. i was lost to my thoughts a prisoner to my untimely sorrow. I longed for Damiens embrace, i still remebered the cold betrayal on his face as i swept my child from his arms and left the room. Yet my own betrayal cut the flesh deeper than that of any mortal blade. he had put our life in jepordy, our fates now hung in the balance poised for freedom or eternal dammnation...i though wrly my mouth twisitng up in a synical smile, ill beffiting the pituresque scene of the perfect little family we had shared just moments before. Codys big green eyes mirrored my own, a little frown creasing his features as he reached Damien, snugglnig further into the croks of my arms.

"night daddy" cody yawned his mouth forming a perfect little 'o' before drifting into the land of dreamers. Damiens eyes held mine there look was intense..as if urging me to stay. i quickly denied the demands of my trecherous heart. prefferng to focus on the cold hard fury i felt emmanating from every pore of my being.

"stay" he mumured his voice a barely concealed whisper of agony. tears pricked my eyes. yet i held my head determined....he would have to do better than that.

I tucked cody into bed noting the way his little hands clasped mine. as if reahcing out for a life line. how long could i continue to put our lives in danger? our very exsistance marked the deadline, for our fate. what i wouldnt have given in this very moment to be a normal girl. at that thought my body locked down with a pain so immense it was unheard of. Without this world i would never had found my romeo.

My romeo...? i thought with a sarcastic snort since when had i gotten so melodramatic. Must be vampire hormones i chided myself. my eyes narrowing in discust.

turning of the light i slipped into my own bedroom the picture of perfect stealth. being a vamp had its perks i thought grimly sliding into my silk nightgown. somwhere in the darkness i heard a second lot of footsteps mark there approach. walking over to the door i firmly bolted the door. my arms crossed i stared at it with narrowed eyes sparks flew from my fingetips lending the the darkness a new vibrancy an air of seductive allure....

"honey...." Damien pleaded his voice whiny i imagined his face the pefect picture of a sulking child. i had to fight the urge to smile. my lips hardend in a resolute line of defiance. let him charm his way into the lions den i thought fericely i was spoling for a fight.

"Juliiet opened the door" he reasoned shaking it gently.

No response

"sweetheart" i growled echoing my anger at being called a term of endearment.

"JULLIET OPEN THIS DOOR NOW" he growled the door schreeching in protest at the frame shuddered for a moment. the bolt sliding back an inch. my fangs extended i slid into a hunting crouch....instinctive. a feirce smile curved my lips of stone.

The bolt lost another inch i edged towards the door. Then with a spark of light the door flew open. a bewildered looking damien stood there for a moment his eyes searching the room. that was when i lunged. knocking us both to the ground i snarled, my hands clawing at his face. He roared a protest and we both fought for a moment or to lost in deathly combat. Damien quickly overpowering my half hearted attempts. he silenced all angered shouts with a feirce searing kiss slow and building, our bodys met fire and ice, i could feel myself melting into his embrace, his hands once restraints dragged me closer to his side. His hold almost painfull that masculine growl echoed deep within his throat. Lifting me over his shoulder, he hauled me over to the bed, before placing me on it with the tenderest of tocuhes. my hair fanned wildy around my face. my breathing laboured. i took in deep lungfulls of his spicy scent, the most irresistable perfume clinging around my form. an easy invatation. I titled my head back in a provocative challenge my eyes daring him on, while my mind whispered no. His lips persausive at first, suddenly turned into a demmaning hunger. like a wild fire in the desert lands, heat spread through our viens, igniting our blood. i couldnt get nearer to him quick enough. he way everywhere his perfume fillnig my mind clouding my senses. how much stronger this physical attraction was in the passion of anger. i thought wrly as damien growled when i attemepted to shrug of his advances. MEN!!

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