“Please Carly.” Randy begs, pulling at the ropes tying him to the bed. “I’ve been here for too long, I need to eat.”

“You’ve only been there...” Carly looks at the clock above the humans head and calculates the length in her head. “Twenty two hours, give or take.”

“Please, I need to piss too.” Again he pulls at his restraints but they grow tighter and he winces.

“Then piss.” She laughs at his reaction. “And you won’t be hungry for much longer.” She nods in a matter of fact sort of way.

“You’re going to bring me food?” Randy lifts his head and looks to the vampire hopefully.

“No silly.” She chuckles and climbs onto the bed, sitting with a leg either side of his torso. “I’m going to make you.”

He wriggles slightly. “Excuse me?” She moves down to take the pressure of his stomach. “As in, make me a pie?” He asks, genuinely confused.

She laughs and slaps his chest playfully. “No, I’m going to make you a vampire.”

“What?” Again he wriggles, trying to throw her off. “What the fuck! I don’t want to die!”

“It’s alright, I will do it quickly.” She leans down so their faces are close together. “Then we can be with each other forever.” She smiles.

“Get the fuck off me!” He shouts. “Look, it was a fucking hurdle for me to even want to sleep with you, okay? I don’t want to be a vampire, please!” He begs.

She strokes his face and kisses him; he turns his head, parting their lips.

“You’re young, right?” Randy questions. “Would you be able to do it, to control yourself?”

“The whole idea is that I drain you.” She explains. “Then you drink my blood and you are a vampire.”

“I won’t!” Randy spits. “I’d rather die!”

“And leave you poor little sister all alone?” Carly asks, shocked.

“Please, she needs me! You can’t do this!” He desperately tries to pull his hands free of the ropes but gasps in pain as his hands go numb.

“And when this is over, she will have you forever.” Carly whispers.

“Please! Oh fuck, please!” He begs again as the vampire leans closer towards him, her fangs bared and hunger in her eyes.

Jessica and Sam lie together, holding each other and feeling comfortable in the silence around them. “Your blood tasted better than I expected.” Sam kisses her forehead.

“And yours.” She laughs and pulls herself closer to his chest. “Sam?”

“Yes, Jessica?” He sits and pulls his boxers up his legs and stands.

“Have you ever heard of an Encantado?” She sits and leans against the headboard of her bed.

Sam looks at her and then continues to dress himself. “Yes, I have. Brazilian legend, I think.” Jessica nods and watches him button up his shirt.

“Are you going?” Disappointment is in her voice.

“It’s almost dawn, I must.” He leans over the bed and kisses her. “I have to meet someone anyway.”

“Oh, yes of course.” She lies down again and covers her naked body. “Okay, see you soon.” She smiles.

“Sam Miles?” A werewolf approached the vampire.

“Yes, and you must be Channing Taylor? Warren’s brother?” The werewolf nods. “Let’s make this quick, it’s nearly dawn.”

Channing nods and steps forward. “I will follow Launa tomorrow, she is visiting her parents. The King wants to know if she is taking other shape shifters with her. You will come too.”

“No, I can’t. I have to stay with Jessica.” He nodded determinedly.

 “You have been ordered by your King, you will come with me.”

“And how will I do that? It is most likely that they will travel in the day.” There is annoyance in his voice.

“Hyam has his ways, but his ways will remain secret or he will punish you with the true death.” Channing nods to Sam. “He is trusting you, I will see you in the morning.”

“I have known Hyam for longer than you have, dog. He isn’t a killer, not anymore.” Sam spits, waving his hand for the werewolf to leave. “But I’ll be ready, and his ‘ways’ had better keep me alive.”

“He will kill to keep his secret safe and of course it is his job as King to punish wrong doers.” The wolf ran away with a confident smile.

A snake slithers past the shape shifters and behind an ornately carved screen. Launa’s shadow shows through as she dresses herself and then walks out again. “Hello, friends.” The shape shifters stay silent. “Today is the day; I will take you to the one place you have been refused your whole life. I will give you power to unimaginable reaches.”

“When does the action start?” A voice from the crowd whines. “When do we get to kill some filthy blood suckers?”

“All in good time.” She smiles menacingly. “Who’s up for a trip to the Zoo?”

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