Chapter 2 - Edipusi Ginirtol Jesus - Earth

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Cathy N’suko, powerful leader of the biggest religious group in the world. The Edipusi Ginirtol Jesus had over 15 million members of devoted Catholics worldwide, prepared to do anything to bring Jesus back into the world. She had curly hair that reached her blue eyes then suddenly just stopped growing. She had called an emergency meeting of all the 15 leaders of the group. They had arrived at the secret location in Cathy's home country of Sweden.

 “I have gathered you all today to alert you to the new star. You may have heard of it in the news to day and yesterday.” She paused. “It is called Renda.” There were murmurs from the small crowd. “These people, people that do not know God, believe that this star is a planet, a planet were people will live!” She projected a the only picture of Renda onto the large screen behind her.

“But we know, we all know, that this is not a planet, how could it work? It is tiny, Mars or Earth would have attracted it thanks to gravity. And people say it is invisible, and that is how nobody has ever discovered it before. But how could it have stayed hidden? There is only one answer.” Her audience nodded their heads in silent agreement, they all knew to be silent when Cathy was talking.

“Jesus is showing us a sign, we must get to this planet and lead him to Earth, to lead him to amend this sinning civilisation!”

The other 15 leaders cheered in excitement.

“My calculations have told me that the star is directly above India, and that is where me and two other selected leaders will travel. Like the three wise men, and when we arrive at the stable, we will find the way to Jesus!”

The leaders roared in approval.

“I have employed a few helpers to accompany me and will pick two other leaders on this mission, and they are welcomed to the stage tonight.”

Cathy beckoned two men onto the stage.

They were both tall and had thick untamed hair that went down to their shoulders, they looked very similar. One of them had a limp in his right leg and the other had an eye patch one his left eye.

“Larry here,” Cathy pointed towards the man with a limp. “Commands a criminal organization stretching throughout of India, which is where our star is.”

She gestured for the man to make a small speech.

“Alrigh’, ma nams Larry and as Cath kindy said, ah do lead the biggest crimnal group in India. We mainy oprate in drugs but we do do a kinda protekchon thin’. So people gives us money for us no’ oo wreck deir ‘ouses.” Larry had grown up in a poor community in Kerala, east India. At first he had just wanted to start a group that would help his community, but he had been dragged into crime when his company headquarters had been robbed and ransacked, thus his company had to resort to other means to generate profits.

“Ah think dats enouth from me. Ah’ll go back to Cathie now so shee cun talk ‘bout err plarn.”

Most of the leaders in the crowd had a poor opinion of Larry due to his way of talking, his Indian accent, and his limp.

“Thank you Larry.” Cathy walked back to the centre of the stage. There is only one thing left to decide: who will come with us?”

Her audience’s eyes sparkled and a loud murmur passed through them like a permanent wave.

“Who would like to come?”

The wave grew as everyone raised his or her hand.

“How should we decide who comes for the new Jesus?”

“A fight for God!” A burly leader shouts out.

“A Bible recital!” Shouts another man.

“A game of bowls!”

“A dance!”

“A speech!”

The ideas came rolling in.

Cathy decided to get each leader to recite a chapter from the gospels.

 The fourteen of the fifteen leaders were sent into a separate room. The remaining leader walks to the centre of the room to recite Mark 3:21. His name was Michael Elis and he had joined the ‘Edipusi Ginirtol Jesus’ aged just 16. He was a dynamic extremist. Cathy had already decided to bring him.

 The next leader was called Patricia Gire. Her father had been a leader in ‘Edipusi Ginirtol Jesus’ and so had his father. She was a very old-fashioned extremist, Patricia regularly wore long, floaty dresses and other medieval-style clothes. She was the leader to suggest a dance.

 “So Patricia, your father will be very proud of you if you get to come with us, won’t he?”

 “Yes, he will, Mrs. N’suko. I am going to recite the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis 1.”

 Patricia started her chapter with gusto. “And God said, ‘Let their be light.”...

 ...”And God said, ‘Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place,”...

 ...”And God said, ‘Let the land produce living creatures,’...

 ...”’Then God said, “I give you every plant on the-‘“ Cathy stopped her.

“You missed a bit. I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to come with us,” Cathy said sternly.

“But it was only a little bit. ‘Then god said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant-‘”

“No, no, no, no, no.” Cathy interrupted. “Out. Please tell Robert Piecce.”

“Please, please can I come?” Patricia begged.

“No sorry. You made an unforgivable mistake. Therefore you can’t come. Maybe if learn it more then you may be able accompany me. Please get Robert.”

“Ok.” Patricia walked out miserably. “Piecce, you’re next.”

“Thank you Patricia, are you ok?” Robert asked kindly.

“I’m ok Robert.” Patricia hid her eyes.

“That’s good.” Robert walked into the main, brightly-lit room.

 “Hello Robert.” Cathy smiled at him.

“Good day Mrs. N’suko.”

“Ok, so-“

Larry interrupted, “Sorry Mrs Nskoo. Ah’ve booked a flight ta Mumbai an it leaves in one hour an a bi’. You shad probly choose sum peepol an’ ge’ goin’.”

Cathy stalled for a second. She was used to being in charge and not being interrupted. She paused before replying.

“Please don’t interrupt me Larry. It seems that we have to leave quickly. Robert, you are welcome to accompany us, and Elis,” she called over the Elis who was lounging in the courier smiling at Patricia's failure, “you too are welcome to come with me, Piecce, Larry and,” She looked questionably at Larry’s friend.

“James, ee’s a moot.” Larry filled in for James.

“I see. Well, let us leave. Follow me." Cathy dictated.

The troupe left the room into the hallway and then into the car that Larry had recently acquired.

Two hours later the four 'Wise Men' boarded their flight from Heathrow to India.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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