Sarah Bishop

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Hey y'all so in this chapter it mentions a strawberry and blender fic. I never had any intent to make something of it but recently FrozenFever1 created that story on his/her's story "just a random musing book" in the chapter Crushed Love. A lot of you guys seemed to want that story to come to fruition and they've written a really great story. I hope y'all check it out.

Sarah POV

I laid in bed, not wanting to get up. Last night my boyfriend of 6 years! Broke up with me, because he had been cheating on me for 2 of those years, and couldn't handle the guilt anymore. I didn't wanna go to work today at Starbucks. I didn't wanna get out of bed. I didn't really want to do anything, but sadly I have to pay this thing called rent, and so I was forced to get out of bed.

I walked over to the alarm clock and smashed it angrily, hoping for it to stop the awful beeping. Guess I have to go to work today, even if I am suffering from massive heart ache.  As soon as I got changed, I went straight to work.


I got to work and saw many couples I would have to serve. Why didn't I have any more sick days left??!!

I walked over to the cash register where, I was faced with having to serve many, many costumers.

After a while of serving random people a couple walked up. Usually I love romantic stuff, and totally ship everything insight. Literally, I once wrote a fanfic about my blender and a strawberry.

WHAT?! It was a heart warming story about how a blender was forced to blend his love, the strawberry. (Literally me.)

But so anyways, normally I love watching couples together, I mean not in a creepy way! I just normally enjoy seeing people who are in love, but not today!

It took everything in my power to not immediately drop the coffee in my hand and go start drawing fan art.

"Can I have six coffees?" The blonde girl said. Since it was only her and the boy, this alarmed me.

"And can I have a strawberries and cream frappuccino?" The boy said.

"Okay, $6.56" I said, as I got their drinks. "This is a lot of coffee, are you guys ordering for friends too?"

"Nah, I'm just studying (small intermission because rainbows, as I was typing just, my phone gave me two options it thought were most likely what I was going to write, which were Jason and Jackson) all night tonight."

"And I'm helping." The boy said.

"More like annoying me to the point where I need six coffees."


They were so adorable. I gave them the drinks. The boy picked up his frappuccino and stuck his finger in the whipped cream. He then, poked her nose, leaving her nose looking like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer but white.

"Percy!" She said, as she grabbed a napkin. The boy, named Percy, snickered.

"Sorry Annabeth," He said, still laughing. They then, walked out of Starbucks.

What a cute couple, I thought. I think I'll call them Percabeth! 'Cause you know, her name was Annabeth and his was Percy.. No one ever seems to get my shipping habits. They brought up my spirits! Now I know that true love actually does exist!

Now I have even more orders, since I spent time gawking, over their cuteness.

I walked back over to take the next order. Standing there, was a scrawny, latino boy and a beautiful girl with caramel hair. "Hi, may I take your order?"

Little did I know I would find this couple, (Caleo) to be super adorable as well!!


:P I know it's short, but I wanted to have a cute fuzzy one, that wasn't everyone hating on percabeth!

Sorry about it being a week late, I've been extremely lazy, and I had a lot of homework this past week, luckily I have school off today, so you'll be getting all the late chapters today!

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