1: A Windy Night

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Chilled's POV

The night was cold, windy, and the air smelled of rain as though a storm was to pass tonight. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea, as I had things to do, but at least the moon was covered up. Any chances of a werewolf deciding to go on a hunt would be eliminated as the cloud shrouded the moon and stars.

The little town I was in, Salem, was a strange place. I had been here for a long time, since its beginning, and I was little more than a resident until the first death had occurred. It was not unusual for people to die, but the person had been shot. Signs of murder, purposeful killing, and selling one another out came to, and it turned out that there were conspiracies running left and right in this place. With my ability to find and pull information, and my friendship with the jailer, I suited up and gave myself a badge. I was the sheriff of this town, and I would see every death and trial of any evildoers in the town until the end, whenever that may be.

The wind buffeted me once more, making me wrap my jacket a little closer to me. Had I known there would have been a storm, I would not have gone out tonight. Yet, I had more information, and it seemed wrong to keep it to myself, even if it was pouring outside. I had to get those who did evil off the streets.

I saw my destination ahead of me, a squat, one-story building that looked as old as the dirt covering the town. I let myself inside, shutting the door and relishing in the heat that washed over me. I made my way through the small corridors of concrete, listening carefully. I heard the sounds of bristles scrubbing furiously against the ground, and followed it to a nearby holding cell. As figured, a man was bent over, washing the ground.

"GaLm." I said his name, and he merely stopped working to turn to me. Normally, this would scare anyone else. Simply walking upon them against their knowledge was startling, but GaLm had been in this town awhile too. He knew the ins and out of this place, and he'd had a gun held up to him more times than he could count. Being the jailer was risky business, especially when people knew who you were. Luckily, I was one of the only few who actually did.

"Chilled." GaLm nodded to me after seeing it was only me here. He continued to scrub at the red that stained the walls and the ground. I knew that being the jailer wasn't easy, either. It didn't leave a lot of room for empathy, and it was hard to get through to GaLm sometimes. He saw me as simply a messenger when I saw him as a friend. He didn't like his job of killing, but took pride in his work. He didn't like talking about it though.

"Another interrogation?" I asked, but knew better than to ask this question. I simply wanted to get his attention, I came with a reason after all. GaLm abandoned the brush on the ground, standing to full height and looking at me. This may have been intimidating to others, but I had known him too long.

"Why are you here, Chilled?" he asked, and I pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from my pocket, unfolding it and handing it to him with a straight face. He looked it over, and then swiftly took off towards his office. Muscle memory forced my legs to follow him, and he sat down at a desk, going over the information that I had and copying it to another piece of paper. He looked up at me mid writing briefly before looking back down. "You sure about this, Chilled?"I stiffened, slightly offended by this question. I hadn't been wrong a single time in my life. The mafia recruited, and I took down, it was that simple. It had been going this way for years, and unfortunately for me it seemed to be coming to a close. They were slowly learning who I was and how I was obtaining this information. It's hard to sneak in somewhere when it's heavily guarded.

"I'm always sure." I told him, and GaLm continued to copy the information. I was good at picking out the mafia, and once I had even captured an arsonist before he could light the town up as he had planned. I was proud of my work, but GaLm only focused on his own half of the job. I found the bad guys, GaLm shot them; simple.

"How have you been, Chilled?" GaLm asked me, this time not glancing away from the paper. The question caught me off guard, usually it was all business for GaLm, but I didn't pass up my chance to answer.

"Tired, worried about how close the mafia is getting to me, but making breakthroughs. And you?" I asked respectfully. Instead of responding immediately, he put away his pen and handed me back my paper, looking up at me and staring directly at me.

"Just another execution tomorrow," he stated simply, and I had heard this phrase enough times to be able to recite it back to him without looking. It was a classic GaLm thing to say, and I gave him a nod; it also mean I was dismissed. I stuffed the piece of paper back into my pocket.

"Have a good night, GaLm." I told him, turning and walking towards the door.

"Chilled?" I turned at my name, stopping in the doorway and resting my hand outside it, ready to leave. I waited patiently as GaLm seemed to struggled to find the proper words. Finally, he sighed. "Do you think we'll ever beat the mafia?" He made it sound like a game with his vocabulary choice, but the worst part was the question sounded defeated. He had a point, we'd been fighting this invisible mafia force for years. The town noticed our work, but praise was hard when you couldn't let anyone know your name. Once your name or house number are exposed, the mafia come to find you. However, the battle would be lost as soon as we gave up fighting. Even so, I wasn't sure what to say.

"Only time will tell." I finally settled on the ominous phrase, and a small flicker of disappointment flashed in GaLm's eyes. It was not what he wanted to hear, but it was all I could say. I'd rather be honest than instill false hope. "For now, let's keep working." I didn't wait for GaLm's response, rather I headed back out the door and into the windy night. I needed to get home and sleep, after all, GaLm had his job and I had mine.

One secret investigation after the other until I brought down every one of those mafia scum.


Yay! Intro: done! 

This is based around the wonderful game that is Town of Salem, and although the roles and town mechanics may be portrayed a little different, that's because I have to make it into a book, sillies xD

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed! Have yourselves a frantastic week, and I'll see you all Friday!


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