Drabble #9 - "You're jealous, aren't you?"

Start from the beginning

Stiles blushes but keeps his mouth shut. He was the one spilling the secret when Lydia got him drunk a few weeks ago. He's so not gonna say anything... "Don't look at me."

Lydia does, though. Glares at Stiles, actually, with a triumphant smile on her lips that he wants to wipe away. She knows she's won. Shit! "So, can we go mingle now?" she asks, trying to change the subject.

Stiles knows, he swears on his life he knows that he shouldn't defy Lydia Martin but hell, he's stubborn. He's stubborn and if Scott says that Lydia smells like jealousy whenever someone else competes with her for his attention, Stiles is gonna push her. It has to mean something, right?

He actually gets closer to the strawberry blonde, placing one of his - large, perfect, that could become handy if Lydia were to be asked - hands on her knee and making it difficult for Lydia to stand up (or think straight too, not that she'd ever admit it). The fact that she heats up immediately has nothing to do with his touch, or with the words he spills next for that matter. "Not until you admit you're jealous."

Lydia tries not to think of how close he really is. Stiles is so close that she can actually feel his breath on her lips. Scott just watches them in amazement, sipping on his drink. "How long are you gonna keep up with this?" she inquires, tilting her head.

"For as long as I can. Have you met me?" he grins. "Just admit it so we can be done with this."

His smirk makes her squeeze her thighs together and Lydia momentarily forgets that his hand is still on her leg. His smirk only grows wider. Bastard. She pats his chest fondly and gives him such a bright, conniving smile that his heart skips a beat. "Never."

There are quite a few moments passing them by before either of them says anything, never breaking their gaze. Stiles thinks he imagines the way Lydia leans slightly forward but Scott, of course, interrupts them to be a dick. "Guys, if you want to go back to my room and get rid of that absurd sexual tension, it's okay. I understand. Just not on my bed," he muses, smirking at the pair.

It's hard to say which of them blushes harder. Lydia throws the empty paper cup to Scott's face. "I think that's enough, Scott," she murmurs lowly, knowing that the werewolf will be able to hear her.

"Obviously not. You two reek."

Stiles laughs loudly. "Ready to admit you're jealous?"

Lydia purses her lips and puts on her thinking face just to annoy him, taking longer than she has to. "Nah. Definitely not jealous," she says, shrugging her shoulders.

She likes to play, he knows that all too well. But he's game too. "Then it wouldn't be an issue if I were to, say, leave the party with someone else, right?"

"I'm sure Scott wouldn't leave me alone. And I don't see how you leaving with someone would be any of my business," she mutters, trying her best to look unaffected.

"Funny. Could have fooled me," Scott teases. Lydia slaps his arm.

"Go ahead, see if I care."

Stiles shakes his head smugly and tsks. Lydia hates him so fucking much, god! "Now, now, Lydia. That's not being a good friend."

"Sweetheart, who said I'm your friend?"

Stiles leans to whisper in her ear. The way she shivers it's obviously because of the cold that can be felt on a tiny apartment completely full of students partying hard all around them. Obviously. "I love it when you call me sweetheart."

Lydia blushes despite herself, she can help it, because she loves it when his voice comes out raspy like that. Thankfully for her - or not, she can't really tell since she's adamantly trying to deny that she's attracted to him -, Stiles kisses her cheek and says goodnight, telling his friends he'll meet them in the morning. Next thing Lydia knows, Stiles is engaging in a flirty conversation with a tall blonde that hasn't stopped eyeing him since they arrived to the party. Fuck.

"You know," Scott tells her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders comfortingly, "it wouldn't be so bad if you just went for it."

Lydia shrugs it off. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm pretty sure that you do."

"Whatever. Can we go mingle now? Or just go?" she says, getting upset when she sees the blonde dragging her lips along Stiles' neck and he fucking has the audacity of looking right at Lydia. He knows.

"We can. Or maybe you can just admit that you're jealous and he could be going home with you tonight instead."

Why does Scott have to be the voice of reason all the time? She hates it. "I hate you."

"You'll thank me one day."

She glances at Stiles and all she can see is defiance in his eyes. He's her match, she's known it for quite some time. It only means that she has to play along. "Not today."

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