Chapter 16: The Beach (Part 2)

Começar do início

               That managed to get a small, watery smile out of me.

               “Thanks, Niall,” I managed to choke out, wrapping him in a hug again.

               “Anything for you, Jenn,” he whispered.

               He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine, then kissed my cheek.  I sighed and snuggled into his chest. Sadly, I remind myself that none of this is real. We were only fake dating, right? But I couldn’t help thinking that Niall’s princess will sure be one lucky girl.


               “Hey!” I protested as Niall tackled me into the water, soaking my head.

               I growled playfully and reached out to grab him. He laughed and splashed away, my fingers just missing his swim trunks.

               “You’re gonna pay for that!” I called out, running after him.

               “Come and get me!” he shouted back, “Catch der leprechaun and yer’ll get yer pot o’ gold!” He laughed, thickening his Irish accent.

               “Oh, I’ll get you alright,” I muttered to myself, quickening my paces.

               Moments later, I was finally in reach of him. I stretched my arms out and jumped, my hands closing around Niall’s waist, and we both came crashing down into the waves, laughing uncontrollably.

               Still giggling, I rolled Niall on his back so that I was pinning him down. I grinned triumphantly, but stopped when I noticed a mischievous look flash across his eyes. The next thing I knew, warm fingers were dancing upon my stomach, tickling me. I gasped and squirmed, letting go of my hold on his shoulders. Jumping on the chance, he flipped over and switched places with me, pushing my shoulders onto the ocean floor. I squirmed again and pouted up at him.

               “Let me go,” I whined, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes.

               “No,” he said stubbornly.



               “Pretty please? With ice cream and syrup and sprinkles with a cherry on top?”



               “Because I don’t like cherries.”

               “You don’t?”

               “Just kidding. I love cherries.”

               “Well can you let me go now?”

               “Why? I have a pretty good view of you up here.” Niall smirked and his eyes wandered off my face and drifting downward.

               “Hey, my face is up here,” I said, annoyed as I narrowed my eyes.

               His eyes shot back up to meet mine and he grinned. “Sorry not sorry.”

               I pouted. “Pervert.”

               He imitated my expression. “Ouch.”

I Wish (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora