Chapter 17: The Beach (Part 3)

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Late update again. I'm sorry. *cries*


                Where should I go?

                I took a look around me and decided to head towards the trees at the back where Emily told me the thing with Harry and her.

                As I walked, I started to think again. I realized that I hadn’t stopped to actually think in a while, not since my first night at Emily’s house.

                I reviewed the events that had happened in my life again. There’s the whole thing with Andrew. There’s winning the contest which eventually led to meeting One Direction. Then there was the hate, which resulted in meeting Emily, and moving in… and then there’s now. The present. Which was supposedly a “gift”. Having everyone hate you? Huh, some gift that was.

                But I couldn’t help thinking that if this all was meant to happen. If there was some real meaning to all this bullshit that’s been happening. Because I sure don’t see it. Pointless crap… I guess it’s up to me to decide of this is going to lead to the better or the worse.

                Finally, I reached the trees. I decided to sit down against one of the trees, with my back against the trunk, facing the parking lot.

                Having nothing else to do, I started to attempt to name all of the car manufacturers of the cars in the parking lot.

                Nissan, Ford, Toyota, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, Honda… I felt my eyelids drooping, and I willingly gave into the fatigue that was washing over me. Soon enough, I was fast asleep.


                “Aw, she’s so cute!”

                “Just look at the way she’s sleeping…”

                “I’ve got to get a photo of this.”


                “Get one at this angle. It’s even cuter.”


                Hearing faint voices, I stirred.

                “Everyone quiet! I think she’s waking up.”

                Becoming more sensitive to my surroundings, I adjusted the position of my head so that the little piece of bark on the tree wasn’t jabbing my neck anymore. Groggily, I opened one eye, and then slowly opened the other.

                I stared at what was around me. Or rather, who.

                The lads were in a circle around me, grinning like fools. Niall had his phone in his hand, before be tucked it away in the pocket of his trunks after noticing me glance at it.

                I looked to the side and found the girls smiling back at me.

                I blinked, my mind still muddled with sleep.

                “You look so cute when you’re asleep, Jennifer!” squealed Eleanor, clapping her hands together.

                I stared at her, my mind lazily processing each word that came out of her mouth.

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