"You know what you did. Now it's time you face your punishment." I explained quietly. He nodded clearly ashamed of what he did.  

The rattle of the TARDIS stopped. I handed the cuff keys to the Doctor and, after detaching the man from the console, the two stepped outside. I sat down on the TARDIS console and waited for the Doctor to enter in again. It wasn't long and before I knew it the Doctor had walked in to the TARDIS. He situated himself at the controls and reached over me as he steered the TARDIS away from the god forsaken planet.  

"You shouldn't have thought about taking him to another planet." I said quietly. The Doctor stopped and sighed for a moment.  

"What else was I supposed to do?!" He asked, anger still lingering in his voice.  

"If I didn't tell you to take him back, you would have left him for dead on some random planet!" I jumped down from the console and landed on my good foot.  

"You were going to do that to the one that shot you!" The Doctor retaliated.  

"I was not! I was going to let his own people decide his fate! I was not going to ever stoop down to his level again!" My voice raised higher than it had ever gone before.  

"If you haven't noticed, I don't appreciate killers in my TARDIS." I looked at him shocked. Adrenaline rushed through my body which made it even more difficult to control the flames.  

"Then why don't you just drop me off!" I yelled, " I only did it to save your worthless behind!" This left him speechless. I took one long glance at him and turned. I unclasped the necklace that still hung around my neck and felt the chain fall threw my fingers and on to the floor. Without a second thought, I limped to my own bedroom.  

I fell on top of my bed. I heard the blankets singe as I fell on top of them. I pushed myself up on the bed properly and sit up. I felt tears climb up my throat yet I was too mad to let them fall.  

"Hypocrite" I yelled into a pillow that was stuffed in my face. That was all it took for the tears to stream painfully down my cheeks and into the pillow. I felt myself cool down as I continued to cry. I stopped myself about twenty minutes later. I laid back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling.  

An hour must have passed before I heard a knock at the door. I didn't move a muscle as I heard the door swing open and close. I heard the Doctor's footsteps approach me. I turned my back to the man and stared at the picture of the two of us that hung on my wall. The bed moved as he sat on it.  

"I'm sorry, Jaz. I didn't mean what I said." He said. I continued to stare at the picture of the two of us. We both state at the camera, me with my terrible duck face and him with such a derp face it's hard not to laugh. And that's what I do. The Doctor looks over me and looks at the picture too. He chuckled with me. I turn to face him and use my good leg and arms to sit myself up. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and strokes my upper arm.  

"I'm so sorry, Jaz. I shouldn't have said that. I was being a terrible hypocrite."  

"It's okay." I say quietly "I overreacted."  

"You did not. You stayed merciful while I let my anger get the better of me." The Doctor shoved his other hand in his pocket and pulled out the yellow tear drop necklace.  

"Can you forgive me?" I nodded. A smile spread across his face. I tried to grab it from him but before I could take it from him he held the necklace up to the light.  

"Ora? Who's Ora?" He looked at me with a confused look. I took a deep breath.  

"There is something you need to know." I explained. He looked at me surprised but at the same time it seemed like he was expecting this.  

All of a sudden, the TARDIS jerked and stopped. I fell of the bed and hit my head hard. The Doctor stumbled and ran to my assistance. He pulled me up.  

"What the hell was that?" I asked.  

"No idea." He replied.  

"Well go find out!" I commanded him. He ran out towards the console for the second time today. I quickly snatched the necklace and clasped it around my neck again. I could feel something was wrong. I ran to the wardrobe and slipped on a pair of dark skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I re-wrapped my ankle. The Doctor must of used some sort of super heal. My ankle was still sore but after only 48 hours the bullet hole almost entirely healed. I slipped on another pair of red high top converse I found looking through the Doctor's side of the wardrobe. They were too big so I had the TARDIS shrink them down after I asked the Doctor. If you looked in the right place there was plenty of high tech gear for almost everything. I tied the shoes tightly and stood up. I ran/hopped to the console only to see the Doctor running around frantically.  

"What's going on?" I asked as the TARDIS jerked once more.  

"We are stuck in a tractor beam and I can't shake it off!" He yelled over the sound of the things breaking around us. I ran to the console and helped the Doctor. After about a minute the crashing around us. I stopped for a moment to rest my ankle while the the Doctor caught his breath.  

"What's out there?" I asked  

"I went through a security scan. Each tractor beam has a certain barcode you can say. It corresponds with the species and, in rare cases, the ship. You're not gonna like the species this is."  

"Tell me anyway." I knew we were taking to long and by the time we were to step out of the TARDIS, we would have an entire army surrounding us. But I needed to know what was out there.  

"Remember the Voltains" he said. When he first met me, I was in the middle of being captured by voltains. I knew them better than any other alien, excluding my own species. I knew the feeling of being shocked by them very well. I took a deep breath and looked at the Doctor.  

"Might as well meet them. Don't you think?" I grabbed my bag containing my screwdriver and slung it over my shoulder. I reached for the Doctor's hand and the two of us walked out side by side.

I hope you enjoyed it! As always don't be afraid to click that little star or leave a comment/ suggestion!

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