“I will see you Later Austin!” he smiled at me, “Bye Andrea!” he waved as he left to his car. I got on the bus and sighed. I looked out the window than I laid my head on the table I slowly fell asleep…


After I left I sighed, Andrea is so caring and cute! Not to mention smart!! I really like her she helped me through a lot like my Divorce…. She probably doesn’t like me in that way probably like an older brother, I hope Stephanie doesn’t cause anymore problems for her…

When I got to the OM&M Mansion I parked my car and started to write down lyrics…


I got up looking around to see my brother and Stephanie sucking faces in front of me, “Really?” I said groggily, Stephanie flipped me off as slunk down in my seat, Mike looked at me as he frowned. “Andy did you take your medications?” I looked at him nodding my head softly. I nodded as Stephanie snorted at me. I sighed as I put my head down and walked into the bunk area. I put my headphone in my phone as I played We R Who We R by Chunk! No Captain Chunk! Cover, as I texted Austin and Ronnie Radke.

Me (To Austin): Hey Austin, I wish you could be on the bus again Stephanie is really getting to me…

Me (To Ronnie): Hey Ronnie! Haven’t talked to you in a looooong time! We need to catch up!

Ronnie: Hey Andrea! That is too true, what have you been up to?

Me: Nothing much just sitting here? Any new songs I could listen to? I love listening to your guy’s demo’s!!

Ronnie: Yeah I have a couple!! I was just thinking you could listen to them anyway since you are a musical person!

I laughed as I read that,

Me: Yup that is me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I smiled as I sighed because Austin hadn’t texted me back, I groaned as I laid on my side, my phone beeped as I got a picture message, I opened it as I heard the beginning of the song:

I laughed as I texted him,

Me: OMFG HAHAHA you SO would make a song like this!!

Ronnie: Hehe I know anyway gotta finish writing it but delete the song I don’t want us to get into legal trouble!

I deleted the song as I sighed,

Me: Alright it’s deleted! :3 Have fun writing!

I started to hum My Boots by Lights! I really love lights they are one of my favorite bands Blessthefall is another ^__^ I heard the door open as I kept humming, “Tony tell you sister to stop!” I kept humming; my brother knows it’s one of my copeing things I do, like singing and drawing. I smiled at myself when I heard Tony say, “Let her be Steph, I don’t want a repeat of last time.” She groaned, “It’s not my fault you wanted to go!” I opened my curtain, “It’s not his fault your being a freaking drama queen.” I said softly as she looked at me. “Oh please, earlier you wouldn’t even stand up to me!” I got up, “I have been through a lot, I have ADHD AND Depression, because of the loss of my best friend, me almost dying because of you! And the fact I am invisible to my brother with you around.” Stephanie, Tony, Mike, Jamie, and Vic were all stund.

“How is this my fault?” She asked as I looked at her, “Remember that day he was supposed to pick me up from school?” She nodded, “my brother had to get you than completely forgot about me, THAN I walked home, and tried to off myself ask Mike! He was the one who found me!” I screamed with tears coming down my face. Everyone looked at Mike, “What I thought Tony was home but when I couldn’t find him I looked for Andrea, I found her lying in a pool of her blood blacking out slowly…She told me that if she died to tell Tony sorry and that she loves us.” I nodded as everyone looked at me. Vic, and Jamie came over and hugged me I hugged them both back. I saw Tony with his head down as Stephanie just looked stund.

I walked to Tony giving him a hug, “I’m so, so sorry I’m an Idiot.” Tony cried softly, “Turtle you’re not an Idiot! You just didn’t know, or think with your big head.” I giggled as Tony chuckled at me as I was wiping his eyes, “Now let’s have an amazing tour!” they all nodded as I grabbed my phone as I smiled softly when Austin texted me,

Austin: If Stephanie keeps bothering you Andy you could always come here or go on Kellin’s bus!”

I giggled and smiled at this text,

Me: I told Tony and the guys (besides Mike) and Stephanie the truth she was stund and Tony cried :( it breaks my heart to see him that way but it was needed. Plus I told you what was going on!! Austin have I told you you’re an amazing person?

I walked out to the front of the bus to see we stopped for gas, I hopped out as I went in I saw Tony talking to an upset Stephanie. I shrugged and got Sour Patch Kids with Doritos a monster, mountain dew, and a coke Vanilla. Then I got a salad for my brother and vitamin water; I paid walking onto the bus to see Stephanie gone? What? I looked at Tony who smiled at me, I smiled back handing him his salad and water. “Awe you remembered!” he joked as I laughed, “So what happen to Stephanie?” He looked at his salad. “I told her I think it was best if she went home, since we weren’t far from her parent’s place her mom came and got her thank god her mom is more understanding.” I laughed, as I had some of my Nacho Cheese Doritos.

I smiled as Mike and Tony rolled their eyes I jumped a little because I didn’t see Mike come in. “YOU sneaky little harry potter fan!” I said as he laughed, “That’s me!” he said as I put my monster and mountain dew in the fridge. I drank my coke vanilla as I smiled at them; “What is the plan dear turtle?” He looked at me shrugging, “I donno?” he said questionably, “We are almost to the Venue, when we get there we have sound check, than meet n’ greet. Than the show, signings, go out for dinner?” “did you just say go to dinner?” Vic nodded as I jumped up, “Fancy or noo?” he smiled, “Fancy casual.” He said as I nodded.

I walked to my room pulling out one of my bags, I grabbed a nice skirt with a white tank top and my Pierce The Veil Shirt, I quickly Changed in the bathroom when I walked out I put on my Hello Kitty Vans and walked out of the bathroom. “I’m going to go see the fans see who recognizes me!” I saw Tony look at me, “be careful Panda!” I nodded giving him a hug, I walked off the bus to see no fans yet so I walked up to the ticket booth the girl just smiled at me, “Hey, aren’t you?” I nodded but put my figure to my lips. She smiled as she helped two girls and a guy, “okay you got VIP tickets, Andy can show you were to go!” I giggled and nodded “Pierce the Veil?” I asked as they nodded “Since you know my name can I get yours?” “Cindy,” The girl with bright green hair said, I nodded smiling, “Shay!” the other girl with Snowflake hair said, I smiled at her, I looked at the guy who looked familiar, “Preston.” He said as I smiled. “Well here we are!” I said as I went to leave I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked to see Preston, “Andrea.” He said smiling, I smiled, “Hey Preston. How are you?” he raised an eyebrow, “Fine, I got a girlfriend now.” I nodded, “Good, good let me guess Shay?” He nodded smiling. “Don’t tell ANYONE including you girlfriend who I am I want to surprise them!” he nodded, “I’ll pass that on to the guys.” I nodded as I heard, “Yeah my boyfriend is outside he will be in a minute.” I left as I sighed, Blake and I used to be best friends till Lilly got into her car accident after Lilly died all of our friends chose to still be friends with Preston and not me. Sucky I know…

Life of Tony Perry's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now