6-Take a little time.

Start from the beginning

 "Right, and let me guess your dad also wants you to continue putting off college applications to right?".  Branson said , fixing his uniform  .

  I rolled my eyes "I'm a Junior, I have another year of highschool left". I said, Why did he change the subject.   "All i'm saying is, don't get your hopes up about him, like you did, he seems like a vanilla dude, and only a vanilla dude, he slept with your brother Adrian for Godsakes who is so bland". He said, giving a disgusted look.

             I chuckled "You're right about that, but you never know what he is, he could be introduced do it". I said, we aren't pros or anything..we just do sex differently.

       "I bet as soon as you pull out that blindfold.. or the handcuffs or the bars he'll run for the hills". Branson said chuckling.  "Or open up to it". I said, Gosh, lower my self esteem will you.

    "What seventeen year old likes spanking and giving instructions during sex, let alone have a dad who knows about ! and even installs a bar in his room for that purpse?". Branson asked. I smiled and pointed at myself, Damn right my dad didn't judge what I did as long as It was legal and didn't embaress myself to the public.

 "I feel like hes playing games though". I said, one minute he's on me, teasing me the next saying he can't do it, what type ah...

      "So we gonna sit here, or practice?". Branson asked, I kinda wanna just sit here though.   

He read my mind as he glared and pulled me up "We can talk about it on the ice, come one before coach gets mad". He said, I sighed and got up and followed behind.

   "You really think he couldn't get into to that stuff?". I asked, Branson shrugged and put his  Mask on. "I feel like, it would be weird since he dated your brother, and now you're on him, like hes special". He said, hitting the puck with his stick. I sighed.

   "He is special". I said, Branson stopped, and let the other teammate get the puck. "Look we've been bros for a long time, if you like him do everything you can to get him, just don't be dissapointed when hes not into the same stuff as you, you can't change everybody". He said, skating away. I frowned.

       I was rich, I was hot, I had a big dick, of course I could change him.

I followed behind him, focusing on the game.


     "Hopefully he's at that party this weekend" I said, wiping the sweat from my face. Branson nodded "Probably,hopefully". He said, digging in his locker  "You work today?". I asked.

     "As always". He said slipping a shirt over his head . "I'll swing by and mess with you,might even buy you a sandwich on your lunch break". I said, he scoffed and grabbed his book bag.  "I swear to God, I will kick your ass Larson".

        I chuckled, Ol boy worked at Subway and a few weeks ago I went in and made him make me a sandwich, he wasn't too happy".  

   "Why do you even have a job?". I asked , I wanted to play video games and hangout everyday but he was always busy working. 

      "Because some of us don't have the luxery of owning a mansion like you, we might live in the same neighborhood but we not neighbors". He said. I frowned "Nothing wrong with your house, it's two story, you have a car.. I mean?".

    "But I have to work for it". he said as we both walked out, and to our next class "I told you, I'd help out". I said, I knew his mom was struggling every now and then and thats why he worked, but last time I helped pay rent and he wouldn't even let me help again.  "No, I got this, I'll even have enough to go on the field trip next semester, and get my mom and I a gift". he said, fist bumping me. I rolled my eyes, and walked into the class.

        "You plan on getting laid?". I asked him?  Branson shook his head no "I'm laying low for abit". He said, writing the warmup. "Same, I got my eye on one guy". I said, smirking.

      I just wanna do him in the butthole already, and have him screaming my name, but at the same time I wanna treat him like the prince he is.

     Decisions Decisions.


Hi guys! Okay Im gonna try to make the chapters longer I swear im just trying to get bck in my writing habbit but did you like, should I add in a little sexy in the next chapter? Just a little? 50 votes and 15 comments if you want some smexy!!

Ive missed you all so much, haha





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