1. I Think That's TOO Much Power

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I sobbed silently for Gods know how long before picking myself. I have to act strong. For the team I have outside this door. I cant be a weak leader. I won't let them die on my watch again. I went into the bathroom and washed up. I looked a lot better, but the guilt spreading through my body didn't stop. I took in a deep breath and smiled. It looked a little forced, but they won't notice, right?

I folded my wings behind me and walked out the door. I didn't know where I was going, but hopefully I find the others. I walked by some big black doors and heard voices

"But he looks so...upset. What could've caused such of a reaction?" I heard Silena say in confusion. I froze and got closer to the doors.

"I don't know, but whatever it is we need to help him. I hate seeing him like that." Micheal answered, sounding just as grim.

"Seeing who like what?" I asked, acting dumb while walking in the room. Everyone jumped and looked at me.

"Nothing!" Michael squeaked a little too fast.

"Ok...did Chaos give you a tour?" I asked giving them my famous lopsided smirk. They relaxed a little and nodded.

"I will give thou the tour." Zoe offered. Still has her old accent, and I smiled.

"Sure." With that, we took off.


We were all chilling and laughing when Rose came.

"Hey guys? Chaos wants to see you all." She said and ran off. We all shot each other confused looks before everyone walked up to me. They all knew that I was Heir to Chaos and knew about my teleporting skills.

"Can't you guys walk?" I whined.

Charles fell to the ground, "No! Sorry Percy, but my legs are broken." We all laughed as he groaned, "Now hurry up, this is uncomfortable." We all held hands and I teleported us to the throne room.

The throne room was much more impressive then the throne room in Olympus. The walls were galaxies that looked like they were moving. There were tables all along in rows with...trophies? I don't know. In the middle of the room was a hologram universe. You could see thousands of stars and planets, all moving. Then in what seemed like a split second, the image shifted, and we were in a different galaxy.

The most impressive, though, were the thrones. Chaos sat high and proud in his black throne. Planets were circling around it and Chaos had a silly grin on his face. The throne next to his was a little smaller, but was much more beautiful. It was a black throne with silver and sea green carvings in it. The silver made up a Pegasus. I swear it's Blackjack, but Chaos insisted it wasn't. The sea green made up a dragon. I don't know why, but I'll find out soon.

Everyone bowed, except me, "Lord Chaos." They all said in sync.

Chaos grimaced, "No. No bowing, or 'lord'."

"Oh really?" I asked, "That's good to know. Good to know..." I smirked to myself, already making it my life's mission to bow to him all the time.

Chaos frowned at me, but continued, "Ok. Now that you're all here, there are a few things we need to go over. First off, you are the Chaos Army. This means you'll go out on missions and save loads of people. In order for that to happen, you'll need a little help."

He motioned me forward. I stepped forward wearily, "Uh, what are we doing again?"

"Just come here, Perseus." he ordered. I walked forward, "Don't worry, this will only hurt a lot." My eyes widened, but before I could argue, he threw a beam of black light straight at me. The impact made me stumble a little.


Think of your skin being ripped off, and then being dumped in lemon juice, and then into the River of Styx. You will then know how much pain I'm in. My body was screaming, and I wanted to yell, but I didn't. I held in my scream and suffered from the inside. It felt like I was in a volcano. Then it stopped.

I opened my eyes and realized everyone was stared at me. Everyone's eyes were wide and jaws open. Chaos, though, had a grin plastered on his face. I was getting very uncomfortable and asked, "What?"

"Y-you. Oh my God Percy! Look at yourself!" Bianca stuttered. I dreaded the worst. I summoned a mirror and dropped it almost immediately. My hair was longer and even more darker. My eyes were pure black with specs of sea green in them. I had more muscles and was slightly taller. My wings were pure black and were more sharper.

"CHAOS!" I screamed.

"Sorry! I can't control what happens as you gain my blessing!" he answered, laughing in the end.

I growled, "It is NOT funny!"

"Well at least you'll get all the girls." Charles said, laughing his head off.

"I wouldn't be laughing. I could kill you with the snap of my fingers." I said jokingly.

He gulped, "I meant, not funny Chaos!"

I smiled, "That's much better."

"So uh," Chaos said, gaining our attention,"You are now 'officially' Prince of the Universe. You are more stronger and have unlocked the ability to create and destroy planets and galaxies. 2nd most powerful being after me, of course." His eyebrows furrowed as he muttered to himself, "Almost second most powerful..." I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to hear that, and no one else heard him, so I just kept quiet. He quietly recollected himself and said, "Not to mention you look a lot better!"

I glared at him, but nodded. He did that to everyone else. Michael was next, Beckendorf was after, then Zoë, Bianca, and finally Silena. They all gain powers to make them far deadlier then any other demigod, and Chaos also gave them white wings to make

"Oh, Percy? You are the commander of the army, being 2nd most powerful and everything. You're gonna need a second in command. Who will it be?" Chaos asked.

"Uh, Michael." I answered, giving him a smile. Michael gave me a grin.

"Ok then, you can leave now." Chaos said and waved us off.

We all went back to the 'chill room' as we named it and played around and told each stories for the rest of the day.

2nd Chance: Book 2 (PJO/HoO FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now