"You didn't do that because of us, did you?"

Turning my attention briefly to Jamie, I realized that he looked just as upset.

"No. I had my own reasons for doing it."

Both of them seemed to relax slightly, then offer partial smiles before Jared spoke again.

"Well, like we'd said before. We're here to protect you if you ever need us. We won't lose control again, especially now that your scent is a lot less strong."

I eyed them warily for a moment before slowly nodding.


When they walked away I was left to my own thoughts for the rest of the period. School was over without any other incidents and I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw Richard's car pull up near the curb at the front of the building. I wanted to run and get in but forced myself to walk. When I finally dropped into the seat beside him and shut the door, I was ready for a nap. The pain meds I had been given worked wonders, but also made me extremely tired.

"You look like you could use a nap," Richard said, a chuckle in his voice as he seemed to read my mind. I just grunted after clicking on my seatbelt and checking the two kids asleep in the backseat. To my surprise, Coda was actually in his human form, buckled into a car seat just like Jess.

"How are you doing besides tired? Any problems with the lions or other kids?"

I shook my head against the headrest and grinned. "No, actually. They were a little worried that I had gotten surgery because of them but I told them that it was my own choice. I think that I can finally trust them now. Or at least trust their claws if I need them to help me with someone else."

Richard laughed. "I suppose. How is your heat doing?"

"Well, it flares up every couple of hours but I checked online in the library and people who have gotten fixed during a heat cycle said that that was normal as the hormones drain from your body."

I opened my eyes on a yawn to see Richard nod. When he didn't say anything we both remained silent. I didn't want to worry him about the fact that my heat was the worst it had been in several days. It would pass, then hopefully in a few more days I'd be completely free of them. It was something I definitely looked forward to as I hopped out of the car once Richard parked in his driveway. Since he was on Coda's side I helped Jess out, then headed up to the door. Richard caught up to us and opened it as soon as we got there, letting everyone into the warm house.

"Weather's getting colder, damn." He grumbled. I could sense that his bear had something to do with his dislike for the cold. Mainly because it would be hibernating.

"Hmm, does your bear go away during the cold months?"

Richard set his coat on the back of a chair as we headed for the kitchen and he started getting food out of the fridge. "Not really. He does get a bit more content if I eat a ton, but we can't really afford that and I'm not going to the gym anytime soon. So, he's out of luck."

I chuckled at him for a moment before walking back to the kitchen entrance. "I'm going to go take a quick shower."

"Alright, I left some extra clothes in there just like yesterday if you want to stay in your human form."

I thanked him, then nearly ran to the bathroom. After I slammed the door shut I stripped my clothing off and hurried into the shower. I had hoped that the initial cold water would have tamped my heat, but of course, it didn't.


My eyes jerked open and I pushed myself up off the floor of the shower, frowning at the cool water raining down on my back. The door clicked open and Richard stepped inside as I watched him from the edge of the curtain. His eyes caught mine and he hurried to turn the shower off, then grab a towel and pull me out and into his arms.

"Why didn't you tell me it was this bad, Sam?"

Having him so close made me want to lick him like he was a cold popsickle and I'd been in a desert for three days. Eh, why not? His warm skin tensed beneath my tongue but I just ignored it as I lapped hungrily along his neck and stubbled jaw. I could feel the vibration of his voice as he continued to speak to me, but everything just went in one ear and out the other until I felt my body being lifted again.


My head lolled to the side a few times as I tried to get my mind to function. When I finally managed to look into Richard's eyes he reached forward with his right hand and ran his thumb along my lower lip.

I'm in his bed...

That's why it was so comfortable.

"Sam, look at me again, please."

Not having realized that I'd lost myself again, I quickly forced my eyes back to Richard's.

"You're eighteen... high school student or not. And you're hurting from your heat."

I nodded, but I felt my head tilt a little to the side with the gesture as a strong wave of warmth rushed my mind.

"Do I have consent to have sex with you, Sam? I'll be gentle because of your stitches, but it hurts me seeing you so bad again, and I..."

He looked away abruptly and pursed his lips as his brow creased. I probably should have thought more into it, but he'd said the magic word, and I desperately wanted that magic little word.


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