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i wake up cuddled against someone's body and i react right away. doesn't smell like travis, but it's still a manly cologne scent. i push myself away and sit up. i see that it's jack and that i'm wearing his black hoodie too. oh no.

i look around karina's living room and everyone's sleeping around on the ground or on the couches. i'm the first one awake. i look back down at jack who is peacefully sleeping and i would be lying if i said he didn't look adorable.

i stand up in my spot and jack's hoodie literally drops down to my knees. i go around the living room, searching for my keys. where did i leave them anyway? i hear keys jingle, making me turn around.

"looking for these?" jack holds them up.

wasn't he just asleep?

"yes, thank you." i let out a breath of relief and walk over to him, grabbing them.

he gladly hands them to me and then his hands immediately go to my waist, pulling me towards him. did he get taller or did i get shorter? i have to bend my neck more to look up at him.

"do you have to go right now?" he pouts, his bottom lip sticking out. "can't you stay a little longer?"

"no, and don't touch me." i cringe, pushing myself away from him. "when they wake up, tell the girls that i'll see them later." i wave him off and shake off the disgusting jack germs from my body.

why did he feel like he had the right to touch me? i shake my head, dismissing the thought and go to my car. it's so dirty, it needs a wash. all you see is dirt on a nice, black audi r8.

not sure if i should drive to my place first or travis'? maybe mine first so i can shower and everything. i am not about to show up at his house with another guys sweatshirt on.

when i arrive inside of my apartment, i quickly get into the bathroom to clean myself off. i feel so dirty and i don't know why. i wasn't completely wasted last night. then it hit me.

i was grinding up on jack and he was sort of feeling me up yesterday. that's why he felt like he could touch me a few moments ago. i shiver at the unsettling thought and turn my shower on to hot.


"trav!" i shout through the apartment.

i hear his footsteps and he shortly walks out into the living room with his body still dripping with water and a towel around his waist. he gives me a smile and walks towards me.

"good morning." he kisses me on the lips.

"what did i do to deserve this?" i joke, grinning.

i run my hands up the back of his neck and into his damp hair. he chuckles, pecking my lips once more and then returning back into his room to go and change.

"i want to take you out to dinner tonight." i hear him say from his bedroom.

"let's triple date." i smile more to myself.

his head peeks out from the door, "with who?"

"sam, karina, johnson and naomi." i shrug.

"no jack?" he asks and i purse my lips to the side, shaking my head.

i don't mean to leave asia out, but she needs to get herself a man or something. i do mean to leave lizbeth and jack out, though. still debating whether if i should tell travis about last night or not.

"okay, call them up. we can do the triple date." travis comes back out, tugging the shirt down his torso.

i nod my head, taking my phone out from my handbag. i dial up karina's number and i would assumed that they'd all be awake by now. she answers within a split second.

"me, travis, you, sam, naomi, and johnson triple date. tonight at 8. olive garden. be there or be square." i say and then hang up immediately.

karina's a good listener, i bet she caught all of that.

"olive garden?" travis chuckles.

"i'm in the mood for italian." i shrug, tossing my phone and purse onto the couch.


"kendall, remember that time you and jack fucked in his pool? worst thing to ever walk into." sam smiles, just to get on my nerves.

i roll my eyes, grabbing my glass of wine and taking a sip from it. this entire time, sam has purposely been bringing up old things just to piss both me and travis off. i don't know what his game is, but i'm more than positive that jack has something to do with it.

his words are making karina giggle and travis uncomfortable. it's just really annoying the hell out of me. i twirl my fork around my pasta, fighting the urge to stab sam in the eye with my fork.

"can we leave?" travis murmurs, his facial expression remains impassive, but i know that he is bored out of his damn mind just like the rest of us besides sam.

sam always tries to find the good in everything, and tries to make everything fun and entertaining. he's just on the brink of every single one of my nerves.

"you have no idea how badly i want to." i sigh quietly.

"this was your idea." he emphasizes.

"i know and i'm sorry. i didn't realize how uncomfortable this dinner would be." i say and he clenches his jaw, slightly nodding his head.

i should've known because johnson and naomi don't really know each other. i pretty much forced them to go on the date with us.

"i'm gonna order some more food to take back to jack." johnson says and i nod my head.

"what are we doing after this?" sam asks all of us and i glare at him.

not hanging out with you.

"we can go back to my place and watch some movies." karina suggests.

"we were at yours yesterday." naomi whines. "let's go to j's."

"yeah, we can watch movies there." johnson agrees with her, wanting to make a good impression, obviously.

"netflix and chill." sam chuckles, making me roll my eyes.

he's still so childish.

"fine by me, i guess." travis mumbles and i don't want him to feel obligated to tag along;  i don't even want to tag along.

after dinner, we all decide to go back to johnson's place and i pray to god that i don't have another encounter with jack. it'll make my night horrible in and instant. we all go in side of the massive house, following each other like little ducklings.

i know this house like the back of my hand. i still remember where everything is because they haven't rearranged anything at all. there's not much to rearrange anyway.

"gilinsk! i brought you back some food." johnson says, going towards jack's bedroom.

"johnson, you're here, good. tell me what kendall sees in him. i don't fucking understand and it's driving me crazy. i could be so much better to her!"

pretty much all of us can hear jack shouting. i don't see an jerk in travis, that's for sure.

"dude, she's in the living room." johnson says to him.

everyone goes silent, eyes wide looking around the room. anywhere, but at me. i know travis is practically fuming. i can't force or control jack's feelings. travis can't possibly be mad at me.

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