3. Channeling Our Inner Nerdiness

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I hid out of view and listened to their conversation.

"I cheated on you? Hell no, you were the one with your face against Sebastian's the other day..." I heard Elliot say.

"What a load of crap Elliot! At least I'm not the one making googley eyes at the new girl." Paris shouted.

New girl? Wait me? And 'googley eyes'? What?

"I do not...Look, I'm done okay." He shouted back in defence.

"Fine. Be in denial but I see the way you look at her. At least I know Sebastian wouldn't do anything like that to me. Ever!" Paris insisted.

"Whatever. We're over Paris, I'm sick to death of your bossy ways and how you make everything about you. You never used to be like this so what changed?"

I was pretty sure Paris wanted to answer that but he cut her off.

"No. Just forget it. I'm leaving."

That's when I heard footsteps and I quickly rushed back to my seat and picked up my book, acting like I was still reading and not eavesdropping. Elliot came through the doors and I looked up at him. He gave me a sad smile and I returned it. He left and I let out a huge breath. I put my book away and looked at the time, 10:45. The break was almost over so I took a quick look at my dance schedule to see what class I had next. Hip Hop.

I sighed and put the piece of paper back in my bag then grabbed my Black Converse and water bottle and made my way over to Studio D where the class was held.


When I got home from dance that day, it's was around 5:30/6pm and when I entered the front door, I could smell my favourite meal being cooked. My mum makes the best Mac and Cheese so whenever she makes it, I feel like I'm in heaven!

I walked into the kitchen and greeted her.

"Hey mum." I said.

She turned and smiled widely at me. "Hello Brooklyn." I could tell she knew I was happy about dinner.

"I see you're making Mac and Cheese." I stated.

"Yes. I felt like making something everyone could enjoy tonight. And just because you've been doing so well with your dancing, I thought you deserved it. Can you go and tell your brother it's almost ready." She told me.


I walked upstairs and went to my room first to put my bag and things away then I went downstairs to my brothers room. You'd think that a 24 year old guy would usually be out of their parents houses by at least the age of 20/21 but not my brother Damon, no he sits in his room playing video games with kids two times younger than him. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration but you get my point. Either way, he's basically still a fifteen year old in a 24 year old's body.

Anyway, I walked downstairs to Damon's room and knocked on his door. I heard a faint 'come in' from inside so I opened the door and no surprise, there he was sitting on his bed with his headphones on and laptop in front of him, playing what I think by the looks of it was League of Legends. I know that because I sometimes play the same game but no one except Damon knows that...

"Hey Brookie-boo, what's up?" He said smiling at me.

I hate it when he calls me Brookie-boo.

"Channeling our neediness are we?" I asked my big brother who was currently looking at me with an amused expression on his fat face.

"Yes do you have a problem with that, Brookie-boo?" There it is again.

"Okay, first of all, stop calling me Brookie-boo and second of all, mum says to come upstairs for dinner." I told him.

"Okay..." Was all I got from him.

I just nodded my head to say I understood and closed his door. I walked back upstairs and into the kitchen. Mum was just finishing setting out the table so I sat down and waited for everyone to sit down so I-I mean we could eat. About five or so minutes later, Dad and Damon came to join mum and I at the table and finally I could eat my four cheeses.

"So Brooklyn, how's your dancing going?" My dad asked.

My dad is never really home much because of his new work so he doesn't really get to ask me about my dancing or how my day was and stuff like that. So when he is home, he'll find any chance that he gets to ask me and it's not just me, he asks mum and Damon too even though Damon doesn't have a job and all he does is spend his time in his room.

"It's going really good. I mean I'm still taking my classes but there's an audition coming up soon for a competition team so I'm planning on auditioning and I think Wednesday we get given a duet partner to work with. I don't know what it's for but I'm pretty sure I'll find out soon." I explained.

"That sounds very interesting. I hope you do well in your audition and everything else." He gave me a smile and continued eating the rest of his dinner before leaving the table to put his plate in the sink and then he left. I returned the smile and did the same except I joined Damon downstairs to play League of Legends with him.

For the rest of the night we played multiple video games... COD, Halo, GTA and a few others and I just enjoyed being nerdy with my brother. I may be a dancer but I'm nerdy and a bit of a geek. I've been told I act like a tomboy but I'm really not...I'm just in the middle I guess. You know a mix of a tomboy and girly girl. Either way, I enjoyed spending time with my loveable lazy big brother.

I must've fallen asleep in his room because the next morning I woke up and I was laying on my brothers couch (yes he has a couch- his room is the biggest in our house) with a blanket over me and pillow under my head. I sat up and Damon was nowhere to be seen. I looked at the clock on his wall and it was 5:30. I had an hour and twenty minutes before I had to leave for dance. I tried going back to sleep but it didn't work so I got up and went upstairs to grab some breakfast.

It was about 6:45 and I was almost ready to leave for TDA. I found Damon when I woke up sitting in front of the tv eating some sort of food.

Nothing really happened at TDA today... Just the same as every other day, my usual classes take place and at the end of the day Alex and Blake call us in for a meeting. Today's was about tomorrow's list for the competition team auditions and duet partners. I was kind of excited but nervous as well to know who my partner would be. I mean I've worked with partners before but I guess because I don't really know anyone here properly, it would be different. I guess I'd find out tomorrow...

The Ballerina and the Hip Hop Dancer Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ