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The four gathered around as they held the Ruby in victory as they cheered.

"We did it! We actually did it!" One of them said. Her long blond hair flying in the wind as they stood up high on top of the rooftop. The moon shine brightly and busy cars passed by. Her name, Rapunzel. The healer.

"I can't believe it! We stole the ruby. Who knows how much it's worth!" The second one exclaimed. He grinned facing the leader. His name was Hiccup. The warrior.

"Jack we actually did it! Aren't you happy?" The red headed girl questioned. She smiled widely with the Ruby in her hands. This one was Merida. The archer.

"I don't know guys. I mean, isn't this wrong?" A sigh fell from his mouth. A wave of silence and a number of sighs. The cheering decreased as the three looked at each other sadly. The final person; the leader of the gang known as, Jackson. Jack for short. The guardian.

This was the big four. A group of criminals who will do anything for money.

"Jack," the healer started. "I know what you're saying. We all know. But this is for your sister, right? This is all for her. We have to do this, Jack." She touched his shoulder smiling.

"But..." His words trailed off as he put his head in his hands.

"Come on. We have to do this," Archer stated hugging her bow and arrow.

"Yeah. We can't give up now."

Jack smiled hearing his friend's words. This was all for her. They had to do it. There's no going back no. "You're right. It's for her."

"Now come on and enjoy our victory! We managed to steal it without being caught. Just have a little fun!" The fun began as everyone cheered happily. But it's not meant to be a happy ending is it?

Two months later.

"There was an accident last night at the ice rink," the news reporter started. "The most wanted gang leader Jackson Overland has been reported missing. His sister, Emma has stated that Jackson has drowned while saving her. No one except Emma knows what actually happened. The other three is also reported missing. What are they planning now? Is Jackson really dead?" The news fled like a tornado. Everyone knows what happened and everyone seemed confused about it. But just one person knows what actually happened. No. He's not dead at all. Just ask the moon. The one who put the curse on him. The one who will shine a new path at him. Ask the man in the moon.

A/N- Yes this is VERY short but it will be longer. I promise. So this is the start and it's bad. What do you think? Oh and by the way, Elsa doesn't have powers neither does the others except Jack. You'll find out why later on. *wink*

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