The Four Marauders: Hatred

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Shorter chapter ~ sorry!

"Don't be a snitch, lily" Alice told lily, narrowing her eyes.

"I'm not. I just don't want James and his gang to be going round fighting everyone who looks at them! I think it's perfectly fine to do that" lily defended, putting her fork down in outrage.

"I'm with Alice in this one, lily" Marlene said, sticking up for Alice.

"No. I want him to stay away from us all, and the only way we can do that is to tell Dumbledore." She finalised.

Alice and Marlene rolled their eyes. "Well obviously we'll tell Dumbledore what's been happening. But yeah. You know what we mean" Marlene said.

Lily nodded. Turning and running up to the headmasters office. She felt kind of bad doing it, but it was the only way to clear the air. So she had to.

When she finally came up to the stairs, she realised she didn't actually know the password, but she had over heard people saying that his passwords were named after sweets. It couldn't be that hard.

"Pear drops." She said. Nothing happened. Not even the slightest shift of dust. "Lemon sherbets" she tried again, this time the huge statue responded by turning round, the twisting sound of concrete on concrete.

Lily smiled, feeling satisfied with her self as she jumped up on to the already moving spiral steps. It only took about ten second to reach the top, so she ran over to the door and knocked four times on it, the hollow, low sound of the wood making a relatively big noise considering how light her touch was.

"Enter" Dumbledore said, his voice sounding slightly muffled from behind the mahogany door.

Lily walked forward, gulping slightly as she thought that maybe it wasn't the best idea to tell on the boys. "Hello, sir- uh. Professor" she said, feeling slightly flustered as she called Dumbledore sir (like In muggle schools) as supposed to professor.

"Can I help you, lily?" He asked, politely putting down his quill and turning his full attention on lily. She didn't like it, even though Dumbledore was such a great wizard, sometimes he could be unintentionally intimidating.

"Um, well I've been having some trouble with potter-"

"James." He corrected.

"I've been having some trouble with James" the name felt sour in her mouth, "he's been.... He's been not too nice to Severus and I" she said, suddenly feeling slightly stupid.

"Do you want to explain that more for me?" He said, picking up his long, white feather quill, poised for writing.

"Well he has just been standing at me and Severus and I think it's getting sev a bit down about it all" she told Dumbledore, "I'm not asking for a really big punishment, I just want a way for it to stop" she added.

Dumbledore looked like he was in thought, tapping his quill on the top of the table, looking at lily.

"I have an idea" he paused, but it wasn't the kind of pause where he was inviting lily to speak, it was probably to make it more dramatic than anything. "Perhaps you could come to my office tomorrow?" He asked as he wrote down a few words on the parchment.

Lily nodded "yes. That would be perfect, shall I bring the others as well?"

"Yes please. Your friends and the boys, thank you"

Lily stood, catching site of what was written on the parchment:

James and lily
Alice and Remus
Marlene and Sirius
Peter and Severus

Lily furrowed her eyes in confusion as she exited the room.

What did the names mean? She thought as she traveled down the moving, spiral stair case. 



Sorry this took so long to update, had some other stuff going on! Try to update more often now :) please vote and comment, thanks.


The Four Marauders.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon