The Beginning

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Chapter one: The Beginning.

"Sirius! Sirius!" called Mrs Black, a stern and very strict woman. "why can't Sirius be more like you, Regulus?" She rhetorically asked her youngest son, with an annoyed tone to her voice, the tone she normally used while referring to her oldest son. Sirius was always fully aware of his mother's, somewhat limited mother-son feelings towards him. He had grown used to the fact that he would always be a disappointment.

To put it in the nicest way, Sirius Black didn't like his family. At all. The reason for this was always obvious to him:

1] the Black family always compared him to his 'precious little brother' they even did it at the Family reunions Sirius was forced to attend. At one reunion, Mrs Black had once said that she wished she had an excuse to disown him.

2]Sirius hated them was because their beliefs weren't anything like Sirius', some people were even surprised to find out that such nice boy as Sirius, came from such a horrid background with such extreme views.

Sirius was walking about fifteen feet away from his family, he was ashamed to be associated with them, never mind being seen with them, he wanted nothing to do with the 'pure blood mania' his parents had built, they had practically brain washed young Regulus, but Sirius knew better than to fall accustom to their contorted, old fashioned views.

"Coming" he mumbled, with a slightly obnoxious roll of his eyes, he sped up, re-approaching his family, as he came closer to them all, a huge smirk appeared on his lips. Any muggle would say that the Black Family's fashion sense was outdated and anything but trendy, the reason? They weren't in muggle clothing, like all of the other magical families were, the clothing you were supposed to wear was muggle clothes, to avoid detection from them as it would be very odd if a muggle saw someone walking around the high street dressed in a robe. So, everyone was wearing jeans, shirts and trainers advertising muggle brands such as Nike and Converse... well, everyone but the Black family was wearing that. Sirius' family were all wearing black cloaks with a smart shirt, Mr Black had a cane in his left hand, and Mrs Black wore a black, large hat with an ugly laced flower on the front. Sirius thought back to a couple of hours before they came onto the platform and about what his mother had said to both of her children.

'Regulus' Mrs Black said, sounding very fond of Sirius' little brother, 'Sirius' she mumbled dismissively, not even bothering to make eye contact with her own son, "Now, as we all know this will be the first time that the Second Generation Of The Noble, Pure Blood Black Family (this already made Sirius chuckle) will be arriving at Hogwarts, so, therefore we will not be arriving on the platform wearing filthy muggle clothing.' She spat, eyeing Sirius clothes suspiciously, as Sirius was already wearing muggle clothing inside the mansion of a house he was forced to call home. He only wore muggle clothing because it annoyed his parents so much; He found their reaction comical until he was told to stay in his room until the next day. If anyone was going to defy Mrs Black's judgment, it would be Sirius.

Sirius looked to the side at his so called 'family'. Sirius always thought a family was meant to love each other, except one another no matter what they wear or their views- apparently, in Sirius' case, there must of been some sort of exception to this opinion. Mr and Mrs Black was fussing over Regulus, checking that he had all of his equipment he needed, neither of his parents remotely cared if Sirius had his things for school or not. Sirius could just disappear from the face of the earth and they wouldn't notice, never mind noticing if Sirius had all of his school stationery. Sometimes, though Sirius was not to proud to even admit it, he would feel sorry for himself, but he would never even consider telling anyone this.

As Sirius looked around the platform pointlessly, he focused on a small family, a mother with kind eyes, a tall father and a nervous looking young girl, about the same age as Sirius was. Her parents were kissing her on the cheeks repetitively, they obviously hadn't experienced saying goodbye to their child for as long as two months before, Sirius felt a sad smile creep across his face, he felt slightly envious of this young girl, she was getting so much attention, just as he was at the deepest point of his thoughts, he felt someone tapping his shoulder, he spun around on his black, polished shoes, to face a boy, before he could look at the boy properly, a pale, slightly boney hand was offered to Sirius, out ready for shaking, he looked up first to see who the hand belonged to.

In front of him there was a boy about the same age he was, around eleven, he had very dark brown messy hair, so dark it appeared black at first examination, he had semi-pale skin and brown eyes framed with black, shiny, round glasses, Sirius took the boy's hand a shook it.

"James, James potter" the young boy said as he shook Sirius' sturdy hand, he had a deeper voice than what Sirius was expecting.

"Sirius Black, great to meet you." Sirius said confidently and casually. They stood talking, about Hogwarts, not that they knew much about the subject, they tried to talk about it though, like everyone else was, but they soon carried on to a conversation that they both knew a lot about, as the conversation progressed, they sounded like they had known each other for years.

"Okay, whats your Quidditch team?" James asked, clearly interested in the subject of the daring sport, with four balls, and six hoops, played on a huge pitch, and most importantly, played on flying brooms.

"Chudley Cannons" Sirius said proudly, smiling to himself, "what's yours? it better not be Holyhead Harpies!" Sirius jokingly threatened "or else there'll be trouble!"

"Ugh, no, definitely not Holyhead Harpies! How bad of a person do you think I am?" James said, disgusted at the suggestion that he would support such a bad team as them, "I am a fellow cannon, just like your self" James confirmed, clicking his tongue against the top of his mouth, Sirius cringed at James' statement, James had just killed the Chudley Cannon support group by saying 'a fellow Cannon' What the hell... Sirius thought.

They continued to talk about this subject with a fluency to their conversation until the warning whistle blew, signaling for all Hogwarts students to climb aboard the crimson train known as the Hogwarts Express, they dragged their heavy trunks on and went to find a empty carriage, wondering who they would encounter, and what their first year would entail.

The Four Marauders.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz