epilougue part five- Azkaban

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"You go, go and protect Harry, I'll hold him off" James yelled at Lily, Lily hesitated. "NOW" she new he meant it, he had never shouted like that before.

Lily turned around, looking back at James, for possibly the last time. She began to Sprint up the beige, carpeted stairs, up to her young, baby son.

Half way up the stairs, Lily hesitated as she heard jinxes and hexes being exchanged. then there was a green flash of light. a raspy cackle. "no" she whispered to herself. she was now torn between grieving over her almost certain dead husband or protecting her helpless son. she carried on up the stairs to her son.

she jogged into the room and slowed down as she got closer to the crib so she didnt scare Harry. she went on all fours and started to sooth her baby boy. she had now lost all hope. "harry" she whispered, "mama loves you... dada loves you," she said, even below a whisper, "dont ever forget that.

"step aside, you silly girl" a raspy broken voice said. voldemort.  Lily stayed put. "as you wish." he said simply. "avada kedarvra!" he screeched. the few seconds it took for the green light to make contact with her delicate body felt like an eternity. she saw all of her life flash before her eyes. meeting Severus. Her acceptance letter. meeting James in the Hogwarts express. her parents funeral. her wedding day. Harry's birth. her visit to Alice and Frank. then it happened. faster than falling asleep. her last thought being of Harry and James. Lily Potter and James Potter were dead, following in her mother and fathers foot steps. soon to meet them in her after life. if there was anything after death.


"w-wha' 'appened?" a big shaggy character asked. it was hagrid.

"that little traitor." Sirius hissed, he knew what Peter had done. "take this, and take Harry to his aunt and Uncles for now, until it is safe, i'll look after him after." he said, motioning Hagrid to take his motor bike. Hagrid nodded. then Sirius apparated away.


"hello, dear friend." Sirius said sarcastically.

Peter just started to laugh. it sounded like a mad, insane laugh. and without warning, he whipped out his wand, and shouted the killing curse. about twenty people. Dead. this made Peter laugh even more. swiftly, before Sirius could even register what had just happened, he just cut of his chubby thumb and transformed into his rat animagi form, his form was much like his personality. sly.

With in about thirty seconds the ministry of magic were on the scene. putting a full body bind on Sirius. he chuckled, unsure what to do. "Mr Sirius Black? you are from here on a prisoner of Azkaban." he said.

'Azkaban?' sisius asked himself. 'no' he thought, 'not Azkaban'


okay, well thanks again, i feel it was better at the start of this part, but at the end it wasn't so good,but i tried... so yeah, thanks for reading/voting/commenting/feedbacking. good bye for now!

PS the next part will be the last one! :)

The Four Marauders.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora