The Four Marauders: The Journey

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This is going to be short

"Bloody hell, I thought they would never leave!" Sirius said rudely, going back to the girl and boy named lily and Severus.

James and Remus furrowed their eyebrows, confused as to how Sirius could already dislike them. All be it their conversation wasn't successful and incredibly short, but still...

"What do you think if them?" Sirius asked, grabbing a liquorish wand from his pocket.

"They don't seem to bad" James started off, Sirius gave him a 'really?' Look. "Well the girl, Lily, doesn't sound too bad, though the greasy boy next to her-"

"Snivellus" Sirius helped.

"Yes. Him. He seemed weird. And not in a good way" James disapprovingly noticed.

"M-maybe we should t-try to get to know them?" Peter said, even though I should of been a statement, it came out as a nervous question.

"Yeahhhhh" Sirius said, "maybe not".

"We should just give them a try" Remus considered, not wanting to be unkind.

"I agree with Remus" James said, believing Remus was a far more rational and wise person compared to the impulsive, reckless Sirius.

"You can. I'm not" Sirius had already made a mental note to avoid both the girl, lily and Severus at all costs. Even the name Severus ran a shiver down Sirius' back, already getting a bad vibe from him.

There was a moment of silence, as if the were all thinking of something to say. "Anything from the cart?" a middle aged, plump woman wise blonde, shirt tight curls.

"Yes please" James said, digging into his jeans pocket and revealing four galleons and a sickle with seven knuts. James looked at the price list, comprehending what he should get, he decided to get him self a chocolate frog, Sirius another liquorish wand, Remus a packet of jelly beans and Peter could have a pumpkin pasty.

"That comes to five galleons." She totalled.

"Um. I've only got about four galleons." James said, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to put something back. If I bend the rules for you, ill have to do it for everyone" she smiled apologetically.

James decided to give back his item- a chocolate frog and buy everyone else food. In no way did he do this just because he wanted them to be his friends. he knew how guilty he would feel if everyone else was eating and one person because James didn't give up his food.

"Here you go" James said, giving his new friends some food.

"What about you?" Remus asked, He and Sirius were waiting for an answer unlike Peter who was nearly inhaling his food at the speed he was going at.

"I'm fine. I would of fit something for myself I I was hungry. And mum said I can spend it all, so yeah it's good". Sirius and Remus looked down, still wondering if they should eat it. "Go on. I would say something If I was hungry".

By the time the two boys had started, Peter was already finished. "Okay. So what do you like doing?" James said, trying to 'get to know' them all a bit better.

"Quidditch" Sirius said.

"Studying" Remus replied.

Peter didn't say anything, but James could imagine him saying he liked eating the most.

Remus elaborated, "I love to study because I feel that intelligence is the antidote to fear" he said, but he said it with such an... Off tone, even the three other boys thought it had a double meaning.

"Well, I like quidditch 'cause it feels like I'm flying, it feels like I'm free" Sirius said, sounding like an inspirational spokesperson.

"Free?" James questioned, kind of confused and hoping for an explanation.

"Yes. Free" Sirius said. No explanation given.

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