The Four Marauders: summer Part One

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Once the four boys walked off of the train, they were instantly greeted by the warm face of Mrs Potter- James' loving mother.

A soft faced young woman, she was kind to most she met, but she certainly knew when it's time to show her angry, cold and stern side. Though  this rarely happened, it normally only became apparent when James was being particularly arrogant or lazy, which was, admittedly quite often, but Mrs Potter had grown used to James' ways.

It had already been arranged that Sirius, Peter and Remus would be coming round James' house for the majority of the summer as all of the other's parents were indifferent to their presence.

I suppose Sirius was the happiest about being round James' house for the holidays. Mr and Mrs potter were like the parents Sirius never had.

"How are you?" Mrs potter smiled ear to ear, opening her arms warmly, looking at all four boys.

In chorus, they each replied things like 'yep' and 'yeah. I'm good' in that vaguely stereotypical tone of pre teens.

"Brilliant. Shall we get you to the apparation spot then?" James' Mother asked everyone.

Obviously the four boys weren't actually allowed to apparate, in legal terms as they were all underaged, but lucky for them, Mrs Potter was high skilled at apparation due to her job as an auror.

Mrs potter briskly walked, tucking some of her deep brown hair behind her ears to make sure her hair didn't go into her eyes. They all walked about 40 feet and then turned around a corner down a quiet, small ally, out of the sight from onlooking muggles.

James' mum adjusted the heel of her shoes and carefully extended her arms, linking arms with James and Sirius, and then James and Sirius linked arms with Peter and Remus, finishing up in a circle.

"Ready?" Mrs potter smiled, not showing her teeth, conscience of the fact that some people couldn't take apparation.

Everyone nodded at the same time, "we're good to go" James confirmed, and with a loud crack, they slipped out of the ally, going into a strange, in between place. Not being able to breaths and feeling as if they're lungs were having their oxygen squeezed out of them, and just when the boys thought they would soon die from oxygen deprivation, their feet landed with a firm thud on the floor.

Taking a deep, deep breath, they smoothed down their clothes. "Are you all okay" Mrs potter asked them all, glancing worriedly at Peter as he had turned a strange greenish colour.

"We're all fine, mum" James replied, flicking his messy, black hair out of his eye and repositioning his glasses, being careful not to smudge the lenses.

"Peter?" Mrs Potter re-asked "Are you sure you're fine?"

Peter looked up at her, glassy eyed and just nodded, "uh-hm".

Mrs potter wasn't convinced that Peter felt okay, but she let it pass.

There wasn't that much longer until they all had finally got to potter manor- a great house, with a long drive way, metal gates, a large porch and a equally large garden.

They walked through the drive way, Remus admiring the garden and house, slightly envious at the way everything was perfect, even the trees planted either side of the drive way, continuing down were completely straight and even and also feeling slightly embarrassed at how much of a lower standard his own house was.

"I know it's over the top" James told them in a quiet voice so that his mother didn't hear him, "my parents love this kind of stuff" he said, feeling somewhat embarrassed. Sirius already knew James' house, he'd been there before, but the others hadn't, and they're reaction to the huge, expensive house was just walking with their mouths opened.

"What?!" Sirius shouted, receiving a playful glare from James' mum "sorry" he apologised.

"Just don't do it again" Mrs potter joked back.

"Anyway. James. You always say this, but seriously. Your house is the best. And I'm not just saying THAt"

James grunted back, slightly unconvinced that Sirius and the others weren't completely judging his for the things he had.

It must of taken about 5 minutes to walk down the (unnecessarily) long drive way. Finally when they got the the tall, dark green door to the house, they wiped their feet on the outside doormat and walked in; Sirius feeling as comfortable as James and Mrs potter did in their own home.

They all kicked off their shoes at the front door, leaving a small pile of shoes at the bottom of the door.


Hi everyone. I am so so so so sorry that I haven't updates in AGES. so much studying and ugh. Anyway. This isn't a very good chapter, but please vote/comment and tell me what you think(:

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