chapter 19

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Johnsons Pov~~~

I cant do this, I cant hide the fact that we kissed. she is driving me crazy I just need to make it official that shes mine, screw it im gonna ask her.

I see emma walking towards me, damn she looks good in that bikini snap out of it Johnson.

"hi" should I mess with he and act sad....yes

'hey' I say plainly with no emotion, im good at acting.

"jack, are you okay" her face is golden right now.

'emma we need to talk'

"jack did I do something" I cant do this to her, seeing her sad breaks me. I stand up and take her hand and we start walking up the beach. I take her hand and intertwined our fingers.


"yeah" okay time to tell her, I am so freaking nervous what if she says no? of fuck im shitting myself right now.

'um w-would you maybe want to go out sometime?' she stopped walking and kissed my cheek.

'I guess that's a yes then' I couldn't stop smiling at her. we made our way back to where the boys where to find that the were gone. "well fuck" we both strted laughing ad started to make ur way home.

Emma's PoV~~~
Johnson asked me on a date!!! Of course I said yes I just wonder how we are going to tell the guys, I don't know how Nash will take this.
We were walking home from the beach cause the guys forgot about us the douches. It started raining "hop on" is he serious "yes I am" 'did I say that out loud' "yep" he said popping the 'p' I jumped on his back and he started running, how can he hold me on his back.

~~~20mins later~~~
We finally make it back at the jacks house. We walk in to see gilinsky pacing around the room and Nash sitting with his head in his hands.
"Emma, where the fuck were you!" Woah calm the fuck down Nash, Jesus.
'I was at the beach and me and jj went for a walk, we came back and you gu.. I was cut off by Nash engulfing me in a hug, I hugged back and looked to see jj (jack Johnson) clenching his fists a little, I laughed to myself and pulled away from the hug 'I'm okay you know' "yeah I know but I was worried" 'well I'm here now'
We all went into the living room, I sat beside gilinsky and we decided to play a game on the X Box
"Okay so teams, Nash and me vs jj and gilinsky winner plays Emma"
It was finally my turn and jj and gilinsky won and did I mention that I am crap at Fifa.
'What the fuck, how the fuck does people enjoy this bullshit'
"Em no offence but your pretty horrible at this" gilinsky laughed.
'I may be shit at this but not other things' I smirked as gilinsky jaw dropped, Carter choked on his drink with laughing.
Jj scored another goal and I threw my remote on the sofa 'fuck this shit!!, can we do something else'
I grabbed my phone remembering that my friend eve was having a party with her boyfriend Chris, to celebrate their 1 year anniversary. 'You guys up for a party tonight'
"Fuck yes!" Carter shouted
"I don't know if we will be able to em"
'Pwease Nash' I was practically begging him.
"I'll ask my mom when we get home"
'Come on then, let's G O gooooooo' I trapped my bag and hugged each of the boys and kissed gilinsky on the cheek just to make the boys jealous.
"Fucking told you, girls dig the snoring" 'ew you snore' I acted disgusted and then laughed. Me and Nash walked out to the car and he drove us back to his house.
We walked in to see Hayes on the floor crying and a boy in his twenties shouting at Hayes.
"WILL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!" Nash charged at 'will' and Hayes ran to me 'are you okay' Hayes looked at me with red eyes "he's drunk, he punched me" oh now I'm fucking mad, 'Hayes go up to your room I'll bring an ice pack in a minute. Hayes walked up the stairs, I walked into the kitchen to see Nash and will shouting,
'Who the fuck do you think you are hitting you own fucking brother!!' My anger was boiling up inside of me "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? BITCH" that's fucking it I went up to will and slapped him right across the face, fuck my hand hurts.
He came closed to me and pushed me to the floor, Elisabeth came in with skylynn. "What going on, Emma are you okay!" Elizabeth rushed to me 'I'm fine' "EMMA!!!" Sky ran to me and hugged me.
I stood up and glared at will who's face was covered in guilt.
"Will you have some explaining to do before I call your father"
'Mrs Grier he didn't mean to, it was an accident'
I went to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack and went up to Hayes room.
I walked in and seen Hayes with a black eye forming.
'Oh my god Hayes are you okay'
"I'm fine it wasn't his fault" 'he hit you Hayes it is his fault'
"He had a reason to thought" 'what?' "His girlfriend cheated on him and he was drinking but he got mad and took it out on me but I know he didn't mean it"
I hugged Hayes tightly and gave him the ice pack.
I don't think we will be going to this party now...

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