Chapter 6

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A/N: Just as I promised!!! Here is Chapter 6! I am going to start a schedule I need to follow so I don't leave you guys hanging all of the time. Plus for next chapter I at least want 1 vote. ONE!!! So don't let me down and do it for me so I don't look stupid for uploading another chapter without a vote.... just one! Thanks! Love and narwhals!!! -Cargo <3


            The first few minutes of the conversation was hard on my underused voice. It was shaky and scratchy until finally I got used to it. I haven’t heard my voice in forever, so I was surprised to hear the Australian accent on my tongue. The man I am talking to is very nice and his name is Evan.

            “So what is your name, sweets?” He asks with sincere curiosity.

            “L-Eve. My name is Eve.”

            He laughs, “Well, hello L-Eve! I had an awesome time talking with you, but I have to go now. You might want to watch out, if you think this place is wild now you have to wait till midnight. That is in a couple minutes. Wait for all the crazies, drunks, perverts, and criminals.” He winks, “Be careful and I hope to speak with you again L-Eve.” He smiles and then walks out the door.

            I smile with my voice, I was talking! I was actually using my voice! I’m never going to stop using it ever again! Haha, okay I’m just excited don’t make fun of me!

I turn back to the bar and I find the bartender standing there with a drink in his hand. He extends it toward me and smiles; I smile back and take it from his hand.

            “What is it?” I ask as I peer in the bottle. It was a green, glass bottle and the liquid inside was a brownish color. I sniff slightly and my nose wrinkles. Oh gosh! And it smells weird.

            The bartender laughs, “You act as if ya never seen a beer before!”

            “Beer?” I look at the thing in my hand and raise an eyebrow. I heard of beer before, it makes people drunk if you drink too much. Then you do stupid things that you will regret when you are sober again. Oh wait… I’m already drunk.

            “Yes, beer. Try it, it’s good. We only have dark so it might be too strong for ya.” I look skeptically at the bottle and then bring it to my lips. I tip it back and then the liquid is in my mouth. I splutter and choke on the taste and the bartender laughs at my expression. “I’ll get ya something else.” Then he takes the beer from my hand and walks away.

            I was still grossed out from the beer when he came back with a tray full of short cups with more liquid inside. “I bet ya will like these more. They are called shots. Ya take one and drink it real fast. Like this.” Then he picks one of the glasses up and downs it in a second. “Ah, it burns at first but then it feels nice. We have a contest here to whoever can down the most in a short time period. Someone downed twenty-one in a minute! Would ya like me to find someone that ya can go against?”

            “Uh, sure. First let me try one.” I pick one up and knock it down my throat then it burns. “Oh! Shoot!” I close my eyes and then the burning disappears. I sigh and the bartender taps my shoulder. I open my eyes and he laughs.

            “I found ya a challenger.” He gestures beside me and I turn to see a guy that looks familiar. It doesn’t take me long to remember he was one of the males that I saw in the bathroom. I look behind him to see if his ‘friend’ was there, but she is nowhere to be seen. I study the male; he was at least eighteen, blonde hair, brown eyes, definitely not drunk but the girl was that was in the bathroom with him had been, his clothing are wrinkled and I scowl in disgust. I know what he was doing; he probably did this with the other girl. He was going to get me drunk and, somehow he wouldn’t be, then he take me to the bathroom and then… yeah. I may be a little drunk, but I’m not stupid.

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