Chapter 5

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A/N: Helloooo!! I haven't been on in FOREVER! (I probably lost my few readers... :"( ) Anyway, I finally had a chance to write something in between all the crap in my life! This chapter is super short (I sorry...) but it is just a filler, I wanted to get back to 'Eve' *cough* Leo *cough* right away. I promise to upload Chapter 6 today also! Love and turtles!!!  -Cargo :D


            I jump out the broken window and sprint down the stairs. By the time I got in the street Eve was nowhere to be seen. I face the few guys that followed me, “Did any of you see which way she went?”

            They all shake there head no and I groan in frustration. She was gone, she was really freaking gone. I bring my arms up to my head and spin back around. I need to find her. Ah, what am I thinking? I don’t know her, she doesn’t know me, and did I really think she was going to stick with me? If she did stay what would we have done? Annoy the Dictator together? Ha! That’s ridiculous!

            “Should we go after her?” Kyle asks me. I face him and bring my arms to my side.

            “I don’t know.” I whisper. They look at me with surprised expressions. I would do that to me too, I always know. Right now I sadly didn’t.

            “Let’s head inside, maybe she will make her way back after she… cools.” Zane says.

            “I think we should find her! It is dangerous out there!” Kaleb argues.

            “You saw what she did to Cole! Cole is our best fighter and she beat him!”

            “But she is injured! You saw her temple, side, arm-”

            “Guys!” I interrupt, “Shut up!” They all look at me and wait for me to speak again. “You all go in and help Cole, I’ll go search for her.”

            Chuck scowls, “Cole doesn’t need five of us to help him! Besides I was just going to leave him there for a couple more minutes in pain to think about what he has done.”

            “He doesn’t need to think, go help him.”

            “I’m coming with you.” Louie stubbornly says to me.

            “Me, too!” Kaleb and Kyle say at the same time. “Jinx! Jinx! Jinx! Oh, shut up!” They scowl at each other and I couldn’t help but smile.

            “Okay, Chuck and Zane? Stay here with Cole. Louie, Kyle, Kaleb, split up and search. I’m searching too, I’ll head to the north you all go east, south, or west. Go!” I had my leadership back and this time I had a plan. They all move to what I said and I sprint to the north.

            The hunt is on!

GAHHHH! I love the twins!!!! ^w^ Sorry, I gotta get back to typing! See ya in a few!!! <3<3<3

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