Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey, sorry if there is bad grammar or something in this chapter! I typed this as a thought a couple days ago so it isn't very polished. Thank you guys sooo much for reading and remember to rate/comment/like/vote/etc. Love and watermelons!  -Cargo :D  

Dedicated to AceSpades1434 for being my first fan!

P.S. The name above each chapter means it is in that persons POV.


            I duck into the shadows before anyone sees me. My breath was clearly seen in the cool night and I was breathing hard. I clench my glove covered hands and I hear the leather squeak together. I glance around the corner of the building and to my despair; the street is packed with people. I look up the brick wall of the building and I have to crane my head far back just to see the top.

            This will be easy, I think.

            I put my palms on the wall and start climbing. I scurry up and when I reach the top, I congratulate myself with the timing. Flat surface, quiet, 6.12 seconds, 3 stories. Yay.

            I start jumping from rooftop to rooftop, being as silent as the night. I look over the edge of an apartment complex and watch the parade below me. Poor people… they have no idea what is about to happen. Let’s hope that not too many of them will get hurt.

            I jump a couple more roofs and then I am satisfied with where I was. I kneel on the ground and sling off my small backpack. I rip it open and gently pour the contents onto the ground. I place the bomb in the center of the roof and then I string the wires over to the small radio tower. The bomb was made to explode whenever it heard a certain voice. In this case it will explode right when the Dictator will start speaking. When that happens, the radio towers in this entire area will go boom and nobody will be able to hear more of the Dictator’s baloney.

            When I finish with this bomb I stand up and collect my things back into the bag, and then I get a running start to the next roof and then a couple more. I needed to get all 12 of these bombs ready before 8 o’clock. I am way behind schedule.

            As I hook up the next ones I listen to all of the people celebrating the Dictators twelfth year of power. Ugh. It’s sad how many things the Dictator has kept from them. I was just smart enough to find out. He was really using the people for his own gain, while he sat on a throne his people were in factories and getting deathly ill. It was repulsive. The plague was rotating around the very poor areas and only the very rich people were getting vaccines. He also commanded his army to kill people as examples to the others that it is no use rebelling. So everyone stopped because they were afraid. Except me. He killed innocence’s instead of using his forces to try and win the nuclear war.  He also had something called Project Z that— I glance at my watch, crap! I’ll talk about Project Z later; it takes too long to explain on my tight schedule.

            Anyway, the Dictator killed my parents when I was six; I ended up growing up alone in the streets and stealing food to eat. Now it was my job to make his life a living hell. I am tied as the number one wanted criminal, reports about me are everywhere. The good thing is that they have no idea if I am a boy or girl, what I look like, they don’t have my finger prints, and basically there is no way to track me. I am just too good. They only know my name, Leo.

            There is also another criminal that is rebelling like me, though. People know it is a boy and he and I are actually tied on the most wanted. We both did enough crimes to have a bounty on our heads and a death sentence if we ever get caught. But, of course, I have never met or seen the guy that is like me. He is just as skilled, except he told the public that he was male, in my opinion that was stupid because then it would be easier to find him. But everyone has their flaws right?

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