Chapter 9- The Twist in My Life/How Could You?

Start from the beginning

"Hi, um, do you know where I can find a pregnancy test?" I asked a worker.

 "Oh, for you?"

"No, it's for my sister; she's married and can possibly be pregnant," I lied. Why couldn't she just tell me where it was? Getting up front and personal with me. Besides, I don't look grown, and in the world we live in today, pregnant teens get judged, though their reason for being pregnant is unknown.

"Sure, right down the aisle and make a left."

"Okay, thank you," I said and marched away.

I bought two of them, just to be sure. When I got home, I went straight to the bathroom, saying nothing. 

"Ficah, did you eat?" Dad called from downstairs.

I didn't even bother answering him. 

Please, please, please, please let me not be pregnant! I whispered silently as I waited for my results from both tests. After approximately five minutes, I sighed. Okay, I thought to myself. I will reveal this...right now. 

I held the sticks next to each other and looked down at them. They both had the plus sign highlighted in blue. I dropped them in disbelief. I rubbed my eyes and picked them up again. I must be dreaming! I felt my heart racing as if it were trying to burst open. 

I, Ficah Rissa Cassio, was pregnant. At seventeen years old. 

I don't know what college I will attend.

I don't have a stable job.

I never raised a child.

Yet I am pregnant with my own.

I was completely clueless about my future. I started to weep. I still couldn't believe it. I spent the whole night telling myself that I needed a third pregnancy test, and that I wanted to go to the doctor for this one. 

Thankfully, the next day was a Sunday. I woke up, bathed and took my car to Dr. Earnest's office. I didn't know if she would keep this confidential, but I needed to know.

"Good morning, Dr. Earnest."

"Oh, hello, Ficah. Did I have an appointment with you? I don't recall."

"No, you didn't. I'm here for a different reason."

"Oh, sure. I'm free."

"Okay, remember that one time when I came to you last month, and you told me that I might have been raped?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, I think that I may be pregnant. I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone, so please keep this confidential."

She nodded. "I understand. Honey, you have to start thinking about your choices and options."

"I know, I know. I just wanted to make sure that I am actually pregnant, though. I need a test result from you. I already took two tests from the pharmacy, but I refuse to believe that I am pregnant."

"Ahh, denial. Okay," she nodded. "Here," she handed me a little plastic container. "Urinate in this and bring it back."


"Ficah, come back to the room, please," she said from her doorway.

"Yes, doc?"

"Ficah," she started. She looked very pitiful. "You have to start thinking about your options," she slowly nodded. 

I gasped. "No," I shook my head. "Tell me you're joking."

"Ficah, you have to face it. There's nothing that I can do."

Pregnant... For My Dad's Boss! [SLOWLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now