35 | Broken & Bereaved

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"Do...do I have a tumor?" I asked, a tight knot forming in my chest.

Dr. Hudson gave me a look. "Aren't your parents doctors?"

"Yes..." I groaned internally, knowing very well where this conversation was headed, especially since the doctor seemed to have studied my profile details.

"Well, I hope you know swollen lymph nodes don't necessarily indicate the presence of tumors, and not all tumors are cancerous," he informed me. Oddly enough, he reminded me an awful lot like Ahsan when he tried to knock some medical knowledge into my head. When I appeared clueless, Dr. Hudson explained further. "Lymph nodes are located all throughout the body, and they filter and drain internal bacterial fluids. Sometimes, a swollen lymph node indicates signs of colds, infections, and so on. The location matters also. For example, your swollen lymph nodes are located right below your jaw, so perhaps you have oral or thyroid issues. At the moment, they seem very minuscule, so I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. When you arrive at your new room, I suggest soaking a washcloth with hot water and gently press it against your neck."

Nearly all of what the doctor had said had gone into one ear and flew out the other, except for the last sentence. "New room?"

"Yes. This current one isn't all that sanitary," he said, eyeing the room we were in with disgust. "After this examination, we will take you there." He walked back to his original spot at the door and motioned for the nurse to continue.

"Alright, hun, I'm going to unzip the back of your dress and I'm going to pull it down just a bit so I can check for lumps around your chest." Stacy watched my face morph into uneasiness and she peered over at the doctor. "How about we turn around so your back is facing the door?"

I complied, thankful that Stacy was very nice and understanding. She unzipped the back of my jilbaab, spun me around slowly, and cautiously pulled down the flaps on both sides so that the neckline was just above my breasts. While she performed her duty, the doctor sucked in his breath sharply and stormed over to us.

"What is it?" Stacy asked him with a puzzled expression.

"Jesus Christ," Dr. Hudson muttered to himself as he stood right behind my back.

My back!

"Hayat, were you flogged?" He asked as he inspected the protruded welts.

"What!" Stacy shrieked as she raced over to stand by Dr. Hudson. Her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh my God..."

Feebly, I nodded while my back faced both of them.

Stacy dragged the zipper down further to see how far the lashes had extended. I hardly felt pain there anymore, my back was numb. She stopped at the base of my spine.

"I've never seen anything like this," Dr. Hudson said. "Do you remember how many lashes?"

"I have no idea," I told him truthfully. "I remember him counting to twenty, and then I blacked out."

"Twenty? My God..." Dr. Hudson pressed his fingers against some of the welts. "Wait, you said him? Who are you talking about?"

"Faizan. As far as I know, he was one of the main leaders of Al-Tho'baan. But he was shot dead by one of his own militants."

"Really?" He stepped in front of me. "Do you know who?"

I nodded, hoping that I could save Ahsan. "He's the taller of the two militants who were with us in the jeep."

"I see." Dr. Hudson exchanged a look with Stacy. "Anyway, surprisingly your back is stitched up, rather well, might I add. How did that happen?"

"Uhm...there was a doctor on site." That was honest enough.

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